Papadopoulos, Flynn and Gates.

Aug 20, 2002

What do George Papadopoulos, Mike Flynn and (now) Rick Gates have in common ?


They (very much) Do NOT like the Pressure of Robert Mueller's VICE on their Testicles !


Who's NEXT to be INDICTED ?

Jared Kushner ?
Donnie Jr ?
Stevie Bannon ?
Corey Lewandowski ?

Ahh, I'm going with " Donnie ".

" The GOP and the NRA "
The GIFTS that Keep On GIVING !!
I see being away hasn’t increased your intelligence level

I guess the corrupt fbi and dems doesn’t faze you

What do George Papadopoulos, Mike Flynn and (now) Rick Gates have in common ?


They (very much) Do NOT like the Pressure of Robert Mueller's VICE on their Testicles !


Who's NEXT to be INDICTED ?

Jared Kushner ?
Donnie Jr ?
Stevie Bannon ?
Corey Lewandowski ?

Ahh, I'm going with " Donnie ".

" The GOP and the NRA "
The GIFTS that Keep On GIVING !!

Word on the street is Flynn will change his plea to not guilty.

“The judge on his own, not in response to any application from General Flynn’s lawyers says, ‘By the way, I want all exculpatory evidence, evidence that could help Flynn or hurt the government turned over to Flynn’s lawyers,'” Napolitano said on Fox News Tuesday.

“Why would he we want that after General Flynn has already pleaded guilty? That is unheard of. He must suspect a defect in the guilty plea. Meaning, he must have reason to believe that General Flynn pleaded guilty for some reason other than guilt.”

Sullivan issued the order “sua sponte”—or at his own volition, unprovoked by Flynn’s defense team. He filed a nearly identical order in mid-December, after taking over the case
And yet another thread brought to you by
Bottom Line:Hillary couldn't win a Soros rigged election. Wait for it. Alabama will be glorious!

The Clinton Foundation PAID for this dossier. To defuse a bomb you need to know what to cut. The courts are falling into place, and arrests are being made behind the scenes. Heard from the $#!tole 9th lately? The mockingbird Main Stream Media is lying through their teeth, so tread lightly what you believe.

Trump is still in the WH, even after FAILED assassination attemptS! He is still putting out EOs that are changing the Hussein(Barry Sortoro(?)) policies that turned the USA into an African toilet. Some are good with it because it's from where they came.

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