Part Time flexible scheduling....NO NO NO


Aug 20, 2002
Ok everyone....those of you who are aware of the parttime 8hr shifts being proposed in the CWA/IBT negotiations with the company, need to realize a few things (before those who are in favor of it start screaming they want it cuz of extra time off..........heres the facts..

1. Say goodbye to many fulltime jobs with the company. If a parttime status agent can work 8 hrs, then there will probably be an immediate reduction in fulltime agents in many cities. You can cut fulltime and add parttime and now your benefits costs double.

2. For you junior agents who are parttime who thinks this is great, say goodbye to your jobs cuz if they cut fulltime, then they will just bump into the parttime slots and you to the street.

3. Also the Fulltime agents who work dayshift in many cities could now be replaced with 8hr parttime shifts in the morning and the Fulltimers could be put on night shift with 10hr days. That will cover 18hours of a day with manpower and senior fulltimers working nights....

These are just some of the ramifications of taking a parttime agent and allowing them to be scheduled for 8hrs a day. I personally do not see any good that would come out of this scenario.
If someone out there in airline land can see how this would benefit our jobs and our job security please let our group know now. I can only see people being hurt and jobs and benefits lost. We are a union who are supposed to look out for one another and fight for the best we can obtain in a contract, and Ill Ive been hearing are the ones who are self serving and want a couple more days off at the expense of whomever..........
6.5 (6 paid) X 4 = 24. They can have the same hours without getting the Full Time shift (8 hours) and still have 3 days off. No thanks to the 3 X 8. Too many minuses for the group vs the plusses.

And if it costs the company more for part timers, why are they so gung ho on getting more?
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Exactly.....this week the Cwa/IBT association are meeting again with the company to discuss this and other issues again. Everyone needs to realize giving 8hr shifts to parttimer's will be the death to fulltime status for many many people.....get in touch with your union reps or your presidents and tell them you are not in favor of such a move. It would be disastrous for everyone.