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Sep 10, 2007
This metal conduit box is being used in manner for which it was not designed(THE PICTURE WITH MY FOOT ON THE WIRE). The box is intended to be mounted on a wall or other stationary object; it was not designed as a portable outlet box at the end of an extension cord. This piece of equipment is not being used in accordance with the manufacturer's intended use (violation of OSHA 29 CFR 1910.370(a) - (g) and NEC 110-3(B)).

The cords are clamped with box connectors that are designed for romex-type flat cable, not flexible cord.

Note the lack of insulation around the wires at the end of the box; frayed wires could result in an electrocution hazard (OSHA 29 CFR 1910.303(B)(1) or an electrical fault which could ultimately lead to a fire of nearby combustible materials.

Lockers are in bad shape....................................Camera phones are great. :up:
I heard the PC's are damaged everyday. I also heard it takes a while to wash your hands because of the plumbing.
phlforce I went totally ballistic when the JETROCK upstairs had a leak and the sludge pipe busted. I went round and round with management and demanded that they get it taken care of. Finally I threatened them with the health dept. It is a joke how bad the break rooms are and the locker rooms are terrible also. They one time instead of fixing the door they just had it bolted close. It was supposed to be a fire exit also. Management only cares about the money they don't care about the employees. I was in the Marines and the common thing was we would have field days [major clean up days] on a regular basis. US Airways just have field days just before the big guys come into town. Not that it would matter anyway! Guys this is a hugh forum to really put out to the nation just how bad the corporate machine really treats the employees! The sad thing is no one can get it fixed because it falls on deaf ears. I remember when the bag chute "C" terminal had asbestos in but they told us we had to get the bags out of their. They guys removing the asbestos were in the white tyvex suits but we were told the levels were ok for us to work in there. We are just a number and nothing else. Parker will say just like he did to Specter that was old management not me so we are not responsible. The sad thing they even have a chart that tells you how much a particular body part is worth. That arm may be only worth a hundred thousand dollars, but it is priceless to the person who lost the limb. We are only a number with a certain dollar value put on our scrap parts!!!!!!!!!!! I know someone who works inside and the mice are so brave they will come up and sit down with you at breakfast and read your newspaper. I wonder if Doug has to deal with crap like this? I doubt it. People think that the guys in PHL are so lazy. They have no idea unless they have worked there how bad it is. On C concourse ramp side they have only a bathroom on the hammerhead and by customer service. The other rest room in zone three has been closed for more than 13 years. That’s a fact. Good luck and hopefully we can get someone in there that can get this crap somewhat straightened out! GO IBEW!!!!!! We know they have the ability to get most of the construction work done!
Keep it up! We should all be taking pictures.

The crew room is disgusting. I've popped a squat over a hole in the ground in Turkey and felt more hygenic that when in those bathrooms. They can't possibly be cleaned on any sort of regular basis. Or how about the TV with a big crack in it, hasn't worked in years, suspended right above the OPR table... that's safe.

They need to get OSHA on the airplanes too. The galley areas are filthy. I'm sure the customers would be thrilled to see how many ant traps are in the area thier food and beverage comes from, or even get a whiff of the compartments the supplies are in.

People wonder why this is such a piss poor airline. Welcome to behind the scenes. This is how the company feels about it's employees.
1.) Call the City L&I office. They'd be happy to take a look at this.
2.) Call OSHA, who I'm also sure would not mind a peek.
This is funny. When it comes to mold in a school its shut down. When it comes to mold in usair break rooms, you continue to work in that environment.
1.) Call the City L&I office. They'd be happy to take a look at this.
2.) Call OSHA, who I'm also sure would not mind a peek.

I will be the first to bash this airline...but the issues with the work space are the city of philadelphia's fault peroid. the head thug John Street and his clan are the sole blame for ALL the problems at the airport. thank god Mike Nutter will be in office soon it's our only hope. the city of PHL is the only city in the system that screws the airline...other citys bend over for airlines...Street made a deal with the devel in 04 (WN) they thought (US) was a city hall and raise hell JOHN STREET is a crook and the press this would be a great story for 60 min.
At Nutters speech the other day in PHL his first agenda item is to clean up the PHL breakrooms for USAir, because he knows how important we are to the city. :lol: :lol: Mayby call in Habitat for Humanity!!
US Airways is responsible for thier break areas, not the city, US hires the cleaners and schedules upgrades and repairs, dont blame the city, blame management, PHL has always looked like the catacombs of a midevil dungeon.
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Here is a picture of "F" terminal break room. The "EXPRESS WORKERS"They finally closed it up,when it was about to hurt someone. Mainline workers break rooms are heading toward this direction.
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Cracked windshields on equipment. I can go on an on ......
Parker should hire detectives. It would be real easy to figure out who keeps smashing windshields on tugs. The foot prints of the sneakers can be seen on the inside of the windshield. They deliberately wreck everything.
US Airways is responsible for thier break areas, not the city, US hires the cleaners and schedules upgrades and repairs, dont blame the city, blame management, PHL has always looked like the catacombs of a midevil dungeon.
Looks like they are wayyyyy behind schedule.
US Airways is responsible for thier break areas, not the city, US hires the cleaners and schedules upgrades and repairs, dont blame the city, blame management, PHL has always looked like the catacombs of a midevil dungeon.
true, but if the city will not give a permit or keep up there end of being a good landloard the airlines hands are me I don't drink the kool aid this cheep ass mgmt gets me twisted on a daily basis...but the city only cares about WN they fight US on every issue...they DO NOT hold up there end of being a good landlord...leaking sewage is the citys issue. it is city property the airline just rents the space...if you rented a house would you be expected to fix the leaking roof? I think not, you would sue the crap out of the owner...John "thug" Street and the city could care less about the health of US workers or the people that use the airport as long as they get the rents :down:
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