Piece of MH 370 wing found?

Kev3188 said:
Lol. Awesome.
I think he and Dick Quest should do an aviation parody show. All they have to do is their normal reporting, at the same time, and we can all laugh.

Can't be

370 was squirrelles away in some former Soviet bloc republic for future use by some unknown radical Islamic terrorist group, ISIL, or Iran it's very self.

Don't y'all read the interweb?

(Sarcasm alert... Absolutely not making light of the situation, nor dismissing anyone's loss or suffering. Just remembering that some fear-mongering ass on the right wing radio/tv show actually stated this as fact, and thatpresumably intelligent and rational bought it, hook line and sinker...)
Currents can carry objects unbelievable distances.  In 2002 a USN F-14 crashed off Key Est, FL.  Four years latter one of the vertical stabilizers washed ashore in Ireland.
Investigators learned Thursday that a series of numbers found inside the plane flaperon matches with records, held by a Spanish company that manufactured portions of the component, linking the debris to MH370, the office of Paris Prosecutor Francois Molins said.

"Consequently, it is possible today to affirm with certainty that the flaperon discovered at the Reunion Island on July 29, 2015 is that of MH370," the office said.
