Powerful Americans

The Americans (and unfortunately they'll be taking us down with them) are on the road to ruin destpite their temporary economic road to recovery.
Once the Chinese and Indian economies out grow the U.S., we're all in big trouble!!! :shock:
Sorry Jetbox, but your thinking is "dated". We ALL go down together...including them. Do some research on how many American industries are now woven tightly into both those economies also. All of the Big 3 automakers have large plants in production in China plus a host of others. Many products made in both countries stock American and Canadian stores. It's called the "global economy" and that's why when Sydney Greenspan speaks the economists stop talking and listen intently. That's also one of the reasons for th jump in oil prices because of the wild 9% jump in Chinese GDP and their resultant demand for oil. We're all tied together these days damnit. :(
CM ---you're just saying that because it's true. That was a 'freudian slip' as the result of getting off the phone with a buddy in Oz. People listen to me?......Geez and there I thought the only one that listened to me was my dog. Even my cat gives me the middle toe on his paw. You give me hope. :lol: Oh and I got the same picture as you...courtesy of a female at AB Forestry.

Elvis ------- they have to amend the Constitution for that and that takes a MINIMUM of 7 years and I wouldn't make any heavy bets on that event either.........BUT he can be other things in the Oval Office besides President /VP.