Prater's threat!

Bus Driver

Sep 21, 2004
It is clear that ALPA national is worried about USAPA.

For good reason.

Check out

Things are going very well.

We welcome any west pilots who want to join the effort, but we don't need them in the end.

ALPA national doesn't get it . . . .The PHL guys got it right, great leadership.

Prater can't even get this right, Dave Ciabattoni has upgraded. It is Captain Ciabattoni.

After almost 21 years, Captain Dave gets his upgrade back, but Nicolau and ALPA through thier flawed merger policy wants to deny him and other USAirways pilots their seniority.

Especially the west guys and their posts here. Shame on them.

ALPA national is in trouble, they will take the west guys down with them, as the east guys take the west guys out of ALPA with a decert vote. The west guys are the minority, doesn't mean sh*t with labor law. So sorry!

Driving the bus.

Bus driver

Dear Captain Rowe, First Officer Ciabattoni, and Captain Portale,

I have received your August 24 update instructing Philadelphia-based pilots to ignore my scheduled visit next Wednesday. In other words, you are telling them not to allow the president of their Union to listen to them or, in turn, for them to hear me, at this critical time for the US Airways pilots.

For over 30 years, I have been an airline pilot, serving in union work through two bankruptcies, two furloughs, five mergers, and a 25-month strike. Never have I read a communication from elected representatives that attempted to convince the membership to boycott a meeting with their Union president.

Along with members of the Rice Committee and the Executive Council—pilots from other airlines who are united in the efforts toward a solution—I have been meeting in AAA bases all week, listening to everything those pilots have wanted to tell me. And the pilots in Boston, New York, Washington, DC, and Charlotte have listened to me, with patience and professionalism, offering their own solutions. I was joined by their local council representatives, who participated in our search for alternatives.

While during these discussions we may not have come up with all the solutions, we certainly did come to understand the issues and the viewpoints more clearly. This kind of ongoing dialogue is essential to creating a concrete solution to the disagreements that are threatening to tear US Airways pilots apart. Without open communication, the solidarity that is our strength will be destroyed.

I am not afraid to stand among my fellow pilots and hear what they have to say. I know ALPA pilots are not afraid to voice their concerns and opinions, and that, if given the opportunity, they will engage in a productive dialogue with the members of our team.

I will be in Pittsburgh on Tuesday, August 28, from 10 to 5 in the crew room, and in Philadelphia on Wednesday, August 29, from 10 to 5 at the Airport Marriott in a private room, meeting with any US Airways pilots who want to tell me their complaints, their opinions, and their ideas. As union leaders, you and I have a responsibility to find solutions that benefit our members. As union leaders, we have a responsibility to be there for our members when they have a problem. On Wednesday, I’ll be there.

In Unity,

John Prater, President

cc: All AAA pilots


Executive Board

Executive Council

National Officers

Wow, with 21 years Dave must be a senior captain.

Congrats Dave on the return to Captain.

Let the good times roll with the recalls at 500 and much more to come.

Movement to the widebody, narrowbody upgrades, reserve to lineholder and much more.

USAPA on the move and "NO" joint contract for the Nic lottery ticket.

The Westies MEC and their greed is hurting your own.
It is clear that ALPA national is worried about USAPA.

For good reason.

Check out

Things are going very well.

We welcome any west pilots who want to join the effort, but we don't need them in the end.

ALPA national doesn't get it . . . .The PHL guys got it right, great leadership.

Prater can't even get this right, Dave Ciabattoni has upgraded. It is Captain Ciabattoni.

After almost 21 years, Captain Dave gets his upgrade back, but Nicolau and ALPA through thier flawed merger policy wants to deny him and other USAirways pilots their seniority.

Especially the west guys and their posts here. Shame on them.

ALPA national is in trouble, they will take the west guys down with them, as the east guys take the west guys out of ALPA with a decert vote. The west guys are the minority, doesn't mean sh*t with labor law. So sorry!

Driving the bus.

Bus driver
Dear Captain Rowe, First Officer Ciabattoni, and Captain Portale,

I have received your August 24 update instructing Philadelphia-based pilots to ignore my scheduled visit next Wednesday. In other words, you are telling them not to allow the president of their Union to listen to them or, in turn, for them to hear me, at this critical time for the US Airways pilots.

For over 30 years, I have been an airline pilot, serving in union work through two bankruptcies, two furloughs, five mergers, and a 25-month strike. Never have I read a communication from elected representatives that attempted to convince the membership to boycott a meeting with their Union president.

Along with members of the Rice Committee and the Executive Council—pilots from other airlines who are united in the efforts toward a solution—I have been meeting in AAA bases all week, listening to everything those pilots have wanted to tell me. And the pilots in Boston, New York, Washington, DC, and Charlotte have listened to me, with patience and professionalism, offering their own solutions. I was joined by their local council representatives, who participated in our search for alternatives.

While during these discussions we may not have come up with all the solutions, we certainly did come to understand the issues and the viewpoints more clearly. This kind of ongoing dialogue is essential to creating a concrete solution to the disagreements that are threatening to tear US Airways pilots apart. Without open communication, the solidarity that is our strength will be destroyed.

I am not afraid to stand among my fellow pilots and hear what they have to say. I know ALPA pilots are not afraid to voice their concerns and opinions, and that, if given the opportunity, they will engage in a productive dialogue with the members of our team.

I will be in Pittsburgh on Tuesday, August 28, from 10 to 5 in the crew room, and in Philadelphia on Wednesday, August 29, from 10 to 5 at the Airport Marriott in a private room, meeting with any US Airways pilots who want to tell me their complaints, their opinions, and their ideas. As union leaders, you and I have a responsibility to find solutions that benefit our members. As union leaders, we have a responsibility to be there for our members when they have a problem. On Wednesday, I’ll be there.

In Unity,

John Prater, President

cc: All AAA pilots


Executive Board

Executive Council

National Officers


:lol: :lol: Eric Rowe is an absolute joke. He was the only clown at the BOD wearing a Prater shirt now he won't support him? That's just too funny...
Why on earth would any pilot, East or West, support Prater or ALPA? Rowe supports his pilots. Not Prater. Many of us thought Prater was far superior to Woerth. Now that he won't either release the list or void the list it is readily apparent he is as ball-less as Woerth was.

There is a merged list that was generated by Nic after both parties following the ALPA merger policy. Now Prater and ALPA will not comply with their own policy and hand the list to the company. Now tell me Westies, how can you support ALPA or Prater?

Joke? You have no idea what kind of man Eric Rowe is. He understands what being an airline pilot means. How so many of the pilots of today have handed over the profession to the managements just to "save the job". If Rowe were the ALPA president when the pensions were under assault, there would have been a nationwide SOS. But that didn't happen.

The infighting we have today in this union is a direct result of having men like Prater, Woerth, and Duffy in leadership roles. Eric Rowe is very much like J.J. O'Donnell was. But, of course, you Westies wouldn't remember him. You weren't around at the time.

:lol: :lol: Eric Rowe is an absolute joke. He was the only clown at the BOD wearing a Prater shirt now he won't support him? That's just too funny...

More like tragic. Shows what a politician can do for you. Which is what Prater is failing to be on all counts.
Why on earth would any pilot, East or West, support Prater or ALPA? Rowe supports his pilots. Not Prater. Many of us thought Prater was far superior to Woerth. Now that he won't either release the list or void the list it is readily apparent he is as ball-less as Woerth was.

There is a merged list that was generated by Nic after both parties following the ALPA merger policy. Now Prater and ALPA will not comply with their own policy and hand the list to the company. Now tell me Westies, how can you support ALPA or Prater?

Joke? You have no idea what kind of man Eric Rowe is. He understands what being an airline pilot means. How so many of the pilots of today have handed over the profession to the managements just to "save the job". If Rowe were the ALPA president when the pensions were under assault, there would have been a nationwide SOS. But that didn't happen.

The infighting we have today in this union is a direct result of having men like Prater, Woerth, and Duffy in leadership roles. Eric Rowe is very much like J.J. O'Donnell was. But, of course, you Westies wouldn't remember him. You weren't around at the time.


He is a bully and an idiot. I've watched his antics at the MEC meetings and found him to be an embarrassment. He purposely lied on one occasion deliberately trying to provoke a fight, and damn near got one. He stood up, put his hands behind his back and said "hit me, hit me" ...I was there, I saw it. He acts like a juvenile delinquent. He is my rep, but I want NOTHING to do with him.

The fact that he has this kind of support scares the living hell out of me. It's no wonder we're so screwed up. He and those like him are the primary reason we are in this seniority mess today. You can blame ALPA, Nic, or whoever you like, but the bottom line is we didn't listen (again) to those we hired to advise us.

A320 Driver :down:
There is a merged list that was generated by Nic after both parties following the ALPA merger policy. Now Prater and ALPA will not comply with their own policy and hand the list to the company. Now tell me Westies, how can you support ALPA or Prater?

Joke? You have no idea what kind of man Eric Rowe is. He understands what being an airline pilot means. How so many of the pilots of today have handed over the profession to the managements just to "save the job". If Rowe were the ALPA president when the pensions were under assault, there would have been a nationwide SOS. But that didn't happen.

The infighting we have today in this union is a direct result of having men like Prater, Woerth, and Duffy in leadership roles. Eric Rowe is very much like J.J. O'Donnell was. But, of course, you Westies wouldn't remember him. You weren't around at the time.


Policy? As of Wed. they are now guidelines. But for our next merger they may become policy again.

When was the last nationwide SOS for an issue affecting all pilots? Lately there have been many issues that ALPA had the opportunity to stop cold. But since it only affected one pilot group at a time it must not have been that important to Herndon. How about one pilot groups union representing the interests of that one group only?

Politicians one and all. Don't forget our best bud in ALPA, Randy Babbitt.

Later Prater
You're correct, I left out Babbitt.

Some of us get it, some of us do not. Apparently it is a generational thing based on these Westies rants who were weaned on Mesa and Ornstein and the scabs who were the first guys hired there.

I'm pretty sure they don't even know what SOS stands for. And couldn't contemplate ever doing it even if they knew what it meant.

ALPA is gone at USAirways. And I've proffered a wager on just that. But not one Westie has taken me up on it. Even though they think they know what is going on over here.

I have read Praters letter a number of times...could someone point out the Threat....Not that it matters.

Just wondering.
I have read Praters letter a number of times...could someone point out the Threat....Not that it matters.

Just wondering.

You can read any of Prater's letters many times and not find anything. Most all of his letters are full of contradictions and indecipherable babble.
You can read any of Prater's letters many times and not find anything. Most all of his letters are full of contradictions and indecipherable babble.

Yes I would have to agree with you Prater is being the politician when he writes a letter, makes a video on what is going on, with his spin. But if someone starts a thread titled ''Prater's threat'' and posts his letter, and I do not see anything that's a threat, makes me wonder who is spinning who.

Just my opinion.
Excellent points, pilot. I for one think Prater is unfit to lead ALPA but I have mixed feelings on removing ALPA from our property for one reason only; The next round of consolidation will require an enormous amount of money that might just BK our small in-house Union, unless we decide not use any credible legal support. Voting in USAPA will allow east to control our future I'll give you that, but there is a downside to that whether you want to believe it or not. Voting in USAPA will guarantee the Nic list will be implemented as-is without any added protections that might be agreed on through the JNC. Sure, there is a remote possibility USAPA attorneys will set some legal precedent and overturn a federal arbitrated decision, but my many legal sources say otherwise - it's an extreme long shot. So, go ahead and take that chance. Once again you will look back and wonder why you did not try to find a consensual solution - I guess some just never learn from past mistakes.

Why on earth would any pilot, East or West, support Prater or ALPA? Rowe supports his pilots. Not Prater. Many of us thought Prater was far superior to Woerth. Now that he won't either release the list or void the list it is readily apparent he is as ball-less as Woerth was.

There is a merged list that was generated by Nic after both parties following the ALPA merger policy. Now Prater and ALPA will not comply with their own policy and hand the list to the company. Now tell me Westies, how can you support ALPA or Prater?

Joke? You have no idea what kind of man Eric Rowe is. He understands what being an airline pilot means. How so many of the pilots of today have handed over the profession to the managements just to "save the job". If Rowe were the ALPA president when the pensions were under assault, there would have been a nationwide SOS. But that didn't happen.

The infighting we have today in this union is a direct result of having men like Prater, Woerth, and Duffy in leadership roles. Eric Rowe is very much like J.J. O'Donnell was. But, of course, you Westies wouldn't remember him. You weren't around at the time.

He is a bully and an idiot. I've watched his antics at the MEC meetings and found him to be an embarrassment. He purposely lied on one occasion deliberately trying to provoke a fight, and damn near got one. He stood up, put his hands behind his back and said "hit me, hit me" ...I was there, I saw it. He acts like a juvenile delinquent. He is my rep, but I want NOTHING to do with him.

The fact that he has this kind of support scares the living hell out of me. It's no wonder we're so screwed up. He and those like him are the primary reason we are in this seniority mess today. You can blame ALPA, Nic, or whoever you like, but the bottom line is we didn't listen (again) to those we hired to advise us.

A320 Driver :down:

The reason the pilots are behind the eight ball is because some pilots (you?) wet their pants anytime someone comes crying for concessions. You do not understand negotiations, at all, apparently and remain steadfast in your resolve to not acknowledge responsibility for the concessionary debacle of the last ten years, preferring instead to single out a scapegoat of the day to assuage your guilty conscience.

You want to do something with the guy who wants to take away the last thing you have, your seniority, yet you won't have anything to do with someone willing to roll-up and sleeves and fight for your seniority.

You make about as much sense as that child abuser who brought his infant daughter to a meeting wearing a sign saying let my daddy vote. "Vote on what", I asked? He said a TA. I said there was no TA to vote on, just unrelated bits and pieces and lots of blanks. He said he just wanted to vote. I said he should vote for better child care facilities.
The reason the pilots are behind the eight ball is because some pilots (you?) wet their pants anytime someone comes crying for concessions. You do not understand negotiations, at all, apparently and remain steadfast in your resolve to not acknowledge responsibility for the concessionary debacle of the last ten years, preferring instead to single out a scapegoat of the day to assuage your guilty conscience.

You want to do something with the guy who wants to take away the last thing you have, your seniority, yet you won't have anything to do with someone willing to roll-up and sleeves and fight for your seniority.

You make about as much sense as that child abuser who brought his infant daughter to a meeting wearing a sign saying let my daddy vote. "Vote on what", I asked? He said a TA. I said there was no TA to vote on, just unrelated bits and pieces and lots of blanks. He said he just wanted to vote. I said he should vote for better child care facilities.

That's right sharktooth you tell him how this clown is the reason for most of your problems and about to cause you harm the likes of which will have you assessed for the rest of your career in order to pay the judgement that you east pilots will lose when we sue you!!!

Yeah you keep on listening to people like him and USA320 and see where you are 24 months from today!!

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