Pull a 767 at MCI to raise money for March of Dimes


Jan 5, 2003
This looks like a fun time:

MIDDAY BUSINESS REPORT: Think you can help pull a 767 jet? Then sign up!

The Kansas City Star

You and 19 of your co-workers are invited to pull an airplane —a Boeing 767, to be exact.

“Pulling Together to Save Babiesâ€￾ wants teams from Kansas City area companies, labor unions, government offices, professional associations, or clubs to compete Aug. 18 in a charity event for the March of Dimes.

The winning team will be the one that pulls the 156,000-pound aircraft for 20 feet in the fastest time.

At the Greater Kansas City Labor/Media breakfast today, Transport Workers Union member Gordon Clark issued the invitation to the American Airlines Overhaul Base, 9200 N.W. 112th St., where the fundraising event will take place.

Some details:

Each 20-person team must raise a minimum of $1,000 to compete.

Team members must be 18 or older — and healthy.

At an 8:30 a.m. auction, before the pulling contest is scheduled to begin at 9 a.m., teams will be able to bid to add a former Kansas City Chiefs football player to their team’s pulling strength. Bidding starts at $200.

All team members get a free pancake breakfast.

Teams are encouraged to dream up team T-shirts. A prize will go to the best-dressed team.

Trophies also go to the slowest pull, the most enthusiastic, and the top fundraisers.

Each member of the team that wins the pull will get a $200 American Airlines gift card.

Team forms and entry fees are due by Aug. 1. For entry materials or to ask questions, call Rita Humes at American Airlines, 816-891-1943.

The airline and the union are co-sponsoring the team challenge for the March of Dimes, which raises funds to fight birth defects.
