Remember that "Spiked" NYT story?


Apr 18, 2009
The one that tied ACORN to Obama?

'New York Times' Spiked Obama Donor Story

Congressional Testimony: ‘Game-Changer’ Article Would Have Connected Campaign With ACORN
By Michael P. Tremoglie, The Bulletin
Monday, March 30, 2009

A lawyer involved with legal action against Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) told a House Judiciary subcommittee on March 19 The New York Times had killed a story in October that would have shown a close link between ACORN, Project Vote and the Obama campaign because it would have been a “a game changer.â€￾

Its like watching a train wreck in slow motion. :unsure:
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Why is this even news?

Are you honestly stupid enough to think George W. Bush and his administration didn't have stories spiked as well? It's the way thing work.

We live in a Republic where opinions, policies and actions are bought and paid for.

This is why a movement like the "Tea Party" is soo important. Not because we believe in their agenda. Rather because it's a grass roots effort to inform the government just who runs the show. Just as a "point of Order" The Government SERVES at the pleasure of the electorate! NOT the other way 'round.

Interesting point of view there Piney, not sure how you connect a newspaper who spiked a story during a presidential election because of their obvious bias and the Bush years. None the less calling me stupid for it is pretty stupid in it self. Maybe you just didnt know or don't understand what happen or the events surrounding it.

Either way if I recall the MSM went out of their way to bash Bush at every step for a good solid 8 years. Where were you? He couldn't have spiked anything without the leftist media blowing up over any little incident. My how people have forgotten, perhaps they are the stupid ones and just simply forget. Either that or they are just comfortable with the "the way things work". Pretty pathetic excuse and a cop out IMO.

The overtly obvious relevance of the article is the current debacle with ACORN and how there was obvious signs of their corruption before the election. However the MSM decided their love for the messiah took precedent over his association with an obvious corrupt organization.
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Since people always love to throw Bush into the (any Obama) argument, what do you think the left would have done if Bush was closely affiliated (or a lawyer for) an origination like ACORN who imploded in a ball of fire, seething in corruption? You wouldn't have heard the end of it, in fact if the same story came out there would have been impeachment proceedings in motion.
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The Tea Party is the PEOPLE who own this government speaking.out! This type of movement needs to happen more often. Whether it be Conservative, Liberal or even Libertarian the free expression of ideas and opinions they need to speak out.

the preferred method would be outside the MSN as we can never believe a single thing they report. this fact creates the climate for things like the "Tea party", "Million Man March" & others I've no doubt forgot.

For Freedom & Liberty to flourish, they require an active and engaged populace regardless of their particular beliefs. LOOK OUT Barack the people are speaking. Are you prepared to listen?

Yeah I dont know Piney, maybe you need to understand what happen then and whats happening now. Has nothing to do with the Tea Party. Except maybe the Tea Party is a result of, but nothing to do with the circumstances behind the OBAMA-ACORN connections and MSM cover up.