Response to USAPA ad in USA Today

Another solid example of USAPA confusing the punch bowl for the toilet bowl.

This full-page ad thing doesn't seem to work very well for them.
This wasn't one of the same guys that was telling you, "hey don't worry DOH is in the bag," was it? Please don't believe their lies when they tell you in the end, "we don't know what happened, it fell apart at the end, it's managements fault, it's the west's fault, it's the courts," yada, yada, yada.

This may surprise you Beancounter, but DOH never came up in the conversation. More important issues did however. The conversation validated much of what I suspected was going on and some other interesting items were discussed........All "lies" of course......
I'm reminded of a scene in the movie Erin Brockovitch, where the power company attorney's offerred a low ball settlement and of course Erin went off on a rant and as soon as she saw one of the Attorneys reach for a glass of water she told the lawyers that "The water was brought in special from thw wells in Hinckley"

Nwo what does this have to do with the ad in the USA Today. I have no idea who is right or who is wrong. If this is a common occurance then IMO SK or DP would have no problem riding on that flight. So why not the next time something like this happens, hold the flight untill Doug or Scott can board. Mr Isom would be OK too as proof of safety. If the A/C was safe neither of the three should have a problem boarding.
I'm reminded of a scene in the movie Erin Brockovitch, where the power company attorney's offerred a low ball settlement and of course Erin went off on a rant and as soon as she saw one of the Attorneys reach for a glass of water she told the lawyers that "The water was brought in special from thw wells in Hinckley"

Nwo what does this have to do with the ad in the USA Today. I have no idea who is right or who is wrong. If this is a common occurance then IMO SK or DP would have no problem riding on that flight. So why not the next time something like this happens, hold the flight untill Doug or Scott can board. Mr Isom would be OK too as proof of safety. If the A/C was safe neither of the three should have a problem boarding.
So what are we drinking this afternoon?
The sad part of the ad is the comment about making money. What I can never understand is - if the place we work out does not make money they can't pay us - there is not a single person in the USA that does not think they should make money.

This is like the debt talks both sides are wrong - and both sides are wrong here.
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For more detials take a look at what US Airways VP of Flight Operations said, which can be viewed here. In addition, take a look at what the PHX Reps said. I have reason believe there are going to be more East pilot terminations due to the USA Today Ad and Mike Cleary's letter to Robert Isom telling the COO that he is advising USAPA members to violate the company's lanyard directive. Normally, union officials have indemnity, but now with a USAPA Committee Chairman recently terminated I believe we are going to see more USAPA officials terminated for insubordination.
Uh, back then those A/C without an APU had 4 engines when they headed out over the water!

Gee, I didn't know that the APU provided thrust to the aircraft in the event of an engine failure.
(Although Boeing did consider a proposal for the B777 whereby the APU would be a smaller third engine to provide additional thrust.)

So Reminds Jester.

P.S. What's that annoying insect buzzing sound after your post?
For more detials take a look at what US Airways VP of Flight Operations said, which can be viewed here. In addition, take a look at what the PHX Reps said. I have reason believe there are going to be more East pilot terminations due to the USA Today Ad and Mike Cleary's letter to Robert Isom telling the COO that he is advising USAPA members to violate the company's lanyard directive. Normally, union officials have indemnity, but now with a USAPA Committee Chairman recently terminated I believe we are going to see more USAPA officials terminated for insubordination.

Quick, don't miss your pom pom moment.
Bravo. You got me. My bad. I retract that statement and submit this one...

A leopard doesn't change it's spots.

Or if you prefer... A Zebra doesn't change it's stripes.

Thanks for clearing that up. No one would have gotten my point otherwise.

You are welcome. I was afraid that <gasp> folks were on the verge of thinking the East pilots could actually stop lying. But you've averted that tragedy.. with my help. You see we are a team and I am making sure everyone stays on your side.
Gee, I didn't know that the APU provided thrust to the aircraft in the event of an engine failure.
(Although Boeing did consider a proposal for the B777 whereby the APU would be a smaller third engine to provide additional thrust.)

So Reminds Jester.

P.S. What's that annoying insect buzzing sound after your post?

Wow. So all you need to cross the ocean is some thrust, huh? No electricity? No pneumatics? No hydraulics?

What crzipilot said.
Wow. So all you need to cross the ocean is some thrust, huh? No electricity? No pneumatics? No hydraulics?

What crzipilot said.

Correct me if I'm wrong pilots ... but didn't Sully rely on a restarted APU for vital control as he performed his power off landing?