Sad Day for AAA Pilots


Aug 30, 2002
I write this as a former AAA pilot furloughed in ''91.
Today nearly 400 fellow professional pilots we''re fired. Lets not sugar coat it, when the pay goes to zero, your fired. Hundreds of others in the past year have lost their left seat becoming first officers, moved to smaller aircraft, and have lost the ability on reserve to max out their potential pay.
No group has given so much collectively as the pilots. Jobs, huge pay cuts, work rules. Many out there dont give a darn about those who make six figures , but when you''ve planned your life about a certain income level, and then have your legs chopped out, its devestating. Especially after making 14+ year commitments to their company.
Yes, firings of customer service workers, SARs, mechanics, info tech, flight attendants are all just as bad. But many out there who we''re from lesser paid groups seemed to get pleasure from pilots misery. To those of you I say, get a life, grow up and start feeling good about yourselves.
The RSA and bankers have labor by the privates. The marketplace has changed. Former incompetant senior management is gone (sadly those who sat around the firehouse the longest still run many stations). The question is, as painful as things are, will labor have the courage to remold itself to the present reality.
Good luck to all
On 1/7/2003 7:25:54 AM ua767fo wrote:

I write this as a former AAA pilot furloughed in '91.

No group has given so much collectively as the pilots. Jobs, huge pay cuts, work rules. Many out there dont give a darn about those who make six figures , but when you've planned your life about a certain income level, and then have your legs chopped out, its devestating. Especially after making 14+ year commitments to their company.

Good luck to all


Sorry for your loss.

Nothing personal, just business.
On 1/7/2003 7:25:54 AM ua767fo wrote:

Yes, firings of customer service workers, SARs, mechanics, info tech, flight attendants are all just as bad. But many out there who we're from lesser paid groups seemed to get pleasure from pilots misery. To those of you I say, "get a life, grow up and start feeling good about yourselves".

Mabe management had to make so many bad decisions, Bus select , metrojunk, ect. because ALPA had such a stranglehold on management for so many years.

If ALPA had worked with management on the RJ issue years ago...we wouldn't be in the position we are in now.
I take no satisfaction in anyone in this company losing their jobs.If there are fewer pilots most likely there will be fewer employees in every job classification.On the other hand,that sword cuts both ways.On a number of occasions we've had pilots actually come on to the ramp or into our breakroom and make comments on how the company could save money by contracting out Fleet Service.When I think back to those times,I have a hard time mustering up much sympathy.Let's hope this thing works itself out so we can get back to what we are being paid to do and also get our co-workers back to work.
On 1/7/2003 10:54:40 AM Mike W wrote:

On a number of occasions we've had pilots actually come on to the ramp or into our breakroom and make comments on how the company could save money by contracting out Fleet Service.When I think back to those times,I have a hard time mustering up much sympathy.

I am sure you realize that those types of "insert chosen expletive here" making such comments just also happened to have been pilots. I know you are capable of separating that brand of individual and their stupidity from the entire pilot profession, as a whole.
CS Agent said:

If ALPA had worked with management on the RJ issue years ago...we wouldn't be in the position we are in now

DCAflyer responds:

I gotta correct you here, Buddy. Not being a pilot myself, my understanding is that the company gave the pilots the RJ limitations pre-UAL/U fiasco to offset some other negotiation sticking point. RJ's simply weren't important to WolfGang at the time. Generating a dowry was.
Mabe management had to make so many bad decisions, Bus select , metrojunk, ect. because ALPA had such a stranglehold on management for so many years.

If ALPA had worked with management on the RJ issue years ago...we wouldn't be in the position we are in now.

Interesting comment! If you had gotten your wish of more RJ's back 5 or so years ago. Would you have worked for the American Eagle wages as a CS? If so, why then did the no other employee groups go to a Metro Jet pay scale, except the pilots? Maybe Metro Jet would have been a sucess if the rest of the company had accepted the pay reductions.

If your logic is correct. Then it was the rest of the company ( those who did not take the pay cuts ) who drove the company to it's current status. RJ's never became an issue till after Metro Jet was agreeded to.[img src='']