Security Jams This Summer


Nov 9, 2003
Washington Outlook
Airlines Are 'Worried To Death' About Security Jams This Summer
Aviation Week & Space Technology
05/03/2004, page 25

Edited by David Bond

Security Test . . .

Except for fuel prices, aviation security accounts for most of the airline industry's worries in Spring 2004. Air Transport Assn. CEO Jim May tells reporters he's "worried to death" that a shortage of screeners and a travel spurt will clog airports and delay flights this summer. Last summer there was a single month in which passenger volume hit 58 million, a pre-Sept. 11, 2001, level. This year the ATA sees about 65 million per month sustained through the season. The Transportation Security Administration is more than 10% below its authorized level of 45,000 employees, May complains, and is overstaffed at small airports and understaffed at big ones. In an ATA initiative, airline and TSA officials are meeting this week to analyze the balance between efficient operations and security needs at the nation's big airports, one by one. May cites creation of additional security lines at Atlanta through removal of some concourse retail stores as an example of what might be done.