Sell-out Union


Aug 6, 2011
"The IBT's Airline Division leaders Clacy Griswold, Ed Gleason and Bob Fisher decided to trade away Aircraft Movement, (Towing and Taxi) to IAM Ramp Supertug crews.."

YES.......... This is just one example of how the teamsters are selling out the United Airlines
Mechanics and giving up jobs.
The teamsters have also gutted out the United Airlines contract and reworked it with weak
Scab language from continental airlines contract.
The scabsters had promised to utilize the best of both contracts from Ual and Cal and yet again their lies have been exposed as the current negotiations reveil we at United have been lied to by the Scabsters.
AA Mechanics, do not make the same mistakes UAL Mechanics did.
Teamsters don't lie they have all the money and power that's why we need them BAHAAHAA. At least that's what they tell me