Sen. Santorum Blasts Alpa's Rc4


May 18, 2003
Senator faults 4 pilots for US Airways bankruptcy

Mr. Santorum, the Pennsylvania Republican and chairman of the Senate Republican Conference, spoke during an afternoon conference call with the media and U.S. Sen. Arlen Specter, a fellow Republican who also met with Mr. Lakefield Tuesday.

"The fact that there was no pilot contract led to this bankruptcy. That's a fact," Mr. Santorum said. "Those four individuals decided they were going to take this airline down and they did."

Mr. Santorum said his conclusion was based on "the information I gathered and the questions I asked."

Complete Story


Thanks for doing the Dirty Work Guy's!!!!!!

Senator faults 4 pilots for US Airways bankruptcy
Christopher Davis
Following a meeting Tuesday with US Airways Group Inc. president and CEO Bruce Lakefield, U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum laid blame for the airline's second bankruptcy filing on four pilots' union representatives from Pennsylvania and said the airline could liquidate by January "if everything continues to go poorly."

It's because of Mr. Santorum and others like him that I quit the Republican Party after 30 years, including 22 in the US military.

As usual Mr. Santorum plays very loose with the truth. The ALPA reps didn't cause the BK. Lakefield and his management did, both from their incompetence, inability or unwillingness to institute changes two years ago, and dragging out this latest contract blackmail to create the perception that labor is at fault for not instantly acquiesing to his demands.
" Following a meeting Tuesday with US Airways Group Inc. president and CEO Bruce Lakefield"

Seems they got their version of "reality" from a biased source...

Rick Santorum is a Nazi! No kidding!

1.)He's a right-wing nut job.
2.) He's a homophobic
3.) He's anti-women's rights

He's downright scary. This man needs to be voted out of office in two years. I do respect Arlen Specter, but Rick Santorum is a nut job.
A few years back Theresa Heinz answered a newpaper reporter's question regarding Rick Santorum running for her late husband's seat. Her response...he's like Forest Gump with an attitude.

As 700 says...never let the facts get in the way!
Mr Santorum obviously only hears what he wants to. When he says, "the information I gathered and the questions I asked." , he is refering to the corporate friendly questions and managements answers to them.

Mr Santorum has never done anything good for the working men and women of Pa. since taking office, and I am not surprised at all by these comments.

It seems our senator is out of touch with those who do not have the means to contribute large sums to his party or campaign. :down:

Santorum is frightening, and possibly deranged... he's made some outrageous, perverted and downright sick comments in the past. He's a nutcase no matter what your politics are.

So disliked is this man that his last name is now used for the name of something- well, something really really unpleasant... Type his last name into Google, SafeSearch off. Strong stomachs only, and dont say you weren't warned! :eek:
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Costs Must Be Reduced Soon, US Airways Says - Pa. Senators Told Carrier May Not Survive

Lakefield told the senators the reason the airline was forced to file for bankruptcy protection Sunday was that four pilots from Pennsylvania refused to allow the airline's new contract to be voted on by the union membership.

Specter said he plans to contact the four pilots to learn why they voted the way they did and the details of their concerns.

Meanwhile, Santorum said, assigning blame to previous management decisions, labor groups or even competitors won't change the fact that the airline industry has changed permanently, largely because of the growth of low-cost carriers. Airline employee contracts need to reflect those changes, he said.

"Every effort will be made by management to keep the airline in operation," Specter said.

Complete Story


USA320Pilot said:
Senators suggests Pa. pilots union officials sabotaged US Airways

Complete Story



I believe our senator owes our pilots a major apology.

Obviously this state representative HAS NO IDEA HOW TO REPRESENT HIS CONSTITUENTS. Not only is he ignorant on labor issues, but he voted down the extention of unemployment benefits for 2004.

A vote I won't soon forget on November 2.