
Feb 4, 2008
Schumer Reportedly Calls Flight Attendant Obscenity Over Cell Phone Rule

Schumer Reportedly Calls Flight Attendant Obscenity Over Cell Phone Rule

Sen. Chuck Schumer called a flight attendant an obscenity aboard a recent U.S. Airways flight, reported.

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Sen. Chuck Schumer called a flight attendant an obscenity aboard a recent U.S. Airways flight, reported.

The New York Democrat muttered the word "####" after a female flight attendant asked him to turn his cell phone off before takeoff, a House GOP aide who witnessed the incident told the Web site.

Schumer reportedly was seated next to Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y.

"The senator made an off-the-cuff comment under his breath that he shouldn’t have made, and he regrets it," Schumer spokesman Brian Fallon reportedly told

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Why would you even start a thread on this?

What a waste of bandwith.

I only read it so I could post a comment.

Get a life.
Schumer Reportedly Calls Flight Attendant Obscenity Over Cell Phone Rule

Schumer Reportedly Calls Flight Attendant Obscenity Over Cell Phone Rule

Sen. Chuck Schumer called a flight attendant an obscenity aboard a recent U.S. Airways flight, reported.

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Sen. Chuck Schumer called a flight attendant an obscenity aboard a recent U.S. Airways flight, reported.

The New York Democrat muttered the word "####" after a female flight attendant asked him to turn his cell phone off before takeoff, a House GOP aide who witnessed the incident told the Web site.

Schumer reportedly was seated next to Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y.

"The senator made an off-the-cuff comment under his breath that he shouldn’t have made, and he regrets it," Schumer spokesman Brian Fallon reportedly told

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C'mon now is anyone really surprised that the ruling class would demean an hourly worker?
WOW, a n unidentified GOP aid said that a DEM Sen said a bad word about a FA. Yep, sounds like reliable news to me.

"The senator made an off-the-cuff comment under his breath that he shouldn't have made, and he regrets it," Schumer spokesman Brian Fallon told Anne Schroeder Mullins.

So why apologize for something that didn’t happen?
If an average Joe/Josephine had pulled off the same stunt, you can bet he or she would have been yanked off the plane and possibly having a nice chat with a police officer or federal agent. They may even get a few hours or a day or two in a jail cell!

Isn't it time we stopped giving public officials a slap on the wrist for incidents that would put lesser status Americans into major hot water legally?

I'm just saying...
If an average Joe/Josephine had pulled off the same stunt, you can bet he or she would have been yanked off the plane and possibly having a nice chat with a police officer or federal agent.

Maybe the F/A was not a Schumer fan and decided to use her authority to shut him up.

Just saying...
Because it is already out there and considered "news". Easier to apologize than to fight it. I have called/thought that about numerous individuals I have run across who displayed a poor attitude. As if none of us has run across a airline employee who had an attitude.
Except for the fact that most airline employees aren't pus filled boils on the backside of humanity like Schumer. He's a leader of the Wage Confiscation Brigade in DC

Just sayin'
Sen. Schumer, who's my state Senator, had the decency to call me himself to inquire about how I was doing, and If I needed ANYTHING in conjunction with the WORSE day in my life, 1 day after the official "U S Military Knock on the Door" !

"FOX NEWS" would do well to judge a man by the content of his character, as opposed to his(and our) human shortcomings !

As a person who will wager occasionally, my "marker" is somewhere in the middle between the Senator and the F/A !
Except for the fact that most airline employees aren't pus filled boils on the backside of humanity like Schumer. He's a leader of the Wage Confiscation Brigade in DC

Just sayin'

And assuming that the story is true there is no indication that Schumers statement was directed at "most airline employees" but that is was directed at one employee and given that you say "most" that would indicate that at least one could be.

Just sayin'
WOW, a n unidentified GOP aid said that a DEM Sen said a bad word about a FA. Yep, sounds like reliable news to me.

Err, that Schumers spokesman apparentely validified with this statement:

"The senator made an off-the-cuff comment under his breath that he shouldn’t have made, and he regrets it," Schumer spokesman Brian Fallon reportedly told

Please read the entire post next time Garf ! Just sayin' :blink: