Sikh Temple shooting in WI

7 dead which includes the gunman. Police officer killed the suspect after being shot himself multiple times. He's in surgery, condition not known.
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maybe he left evidence to indicate why he did what he did, but he won't terrorize humanity again.
I was merely pointing out at this fool at the restaurant saw ( or knows ) no difference between Sihk and Shiite. They are simply "ragheads" to this moron.

Other than that, I have no comment until facts are out.
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sadly, sounds like an ex-military person was the shooter.
GQ, has a point. His targets were South Asians who he wrongly perceived as the enemy. Not people who were simply in a house of worship minding their own business.
It appears that the gunman was indeed a Neo-Nazi. So I don't think the shooter thought he was shooting Muslims. Having the experience of knowing two Neo Nazi types and they are obsessed with racial or ethnic origin of people. Additionally a Sikh Turban is very distinct. To me highly unlikely he didn't know what group or religion he shot.

What will be interesting is he has written anything as to his motivations towards his actions. It's a very sad day when you can't be safe in your place of worship.
Don't the skinheads hate all races other than aryan?

To him the Sikh may be the same as any other non "master-race" in his deluded mind.

Best wishes to the people whose lives have been changed forever while simply trying to gather and worship in peace.
Don't the skinheads hate all races other than aryan?

To him the Sikh may be the same as any other non "master-race" in his deluded mind.

Best wishes to the people whose lives have been changed forever while simply trying to gather and worship in peace.

All I can speak to is the experience of having two Neo-Nazi's in my circle. I kept them close because I wanted to learn about what they were about. Thes 2 were very very aware of things like religion and what part of the world people came from. Found out they were Christian Identity in addition to having ties with other groups. They adhered to the teachings od George Lincoln Rockwell the late President of the American Nazi Party. At the time I knew them they're hatred was addressed toward blacks & jews and no one else. Since the rise of folks like Tom Metzger among others perhaps the various groups have expanded their hate targets to include Sikhs. Which really goes to show how flawed and F'uped their philosophy as people from the India, Pakistan & others are generally caucasian which makes their theories and teachings flawed an invalid.

Thanks to a police officer it looks like Justice was served.