Sizer Boxes

I think anyone could live out of a 22' (foot) for a month.
Sorry, couldnt resist.

Oops, typo ... beat me with the keyboard :lol:

Somehow they will come up with some "new" idea that will cost us somehow (think HHDs) that will ultimately pi$$ off everyone on the frontline.

However, it would be truly sweet if they (to coin someone else's phrase) "aim, THEN shoot".

But SOMETHING needs to be done regardless as this is getting out of hand. I had a woman ask me to help her get her bag out of the bin as she had an arm in a sling (a pax helped her get it in the bin) when I went to pull it I nearly dislocated my elbow it was so heavy. when I said "what, do you have books in here?" she replied, "Why yes I do" ... she had a rollerboard filled with hardcover books!!! Like I said it slipped past all the FAs and agents who would have clearly checked that monster, but this stuff happens all day everyday.