So is AA now discriminating against employees who don't consent to injections?

It's not a fluke. People that are vaxxed are getting Covid-19 all over the world. After wearing masks, social distancing, lock downs, vaccinations and other precautions since January of 2020 nothing has improved.
What does that say for itself? Time to think outside the box and stop following what mainstream media and the so called government agencies are saying. People are still getting sick at various levels and deaths are still occurring although at much lower numbers.
This I almost agree with. Its almost like everything we've learned in science over 100 years of virology has been ignored. Instead we do all these extra things to thwart herd immunity, which has likely simply prolonged the problems...

It's long past time to start living with Covid instead of trying to get to a Covid free utopia. Viruses in the general population almost always eventually die off. Some need a little more help than others.

Compared to smallpox and Ebola, I'd say life with Covid around us is a lot more manageable.

I did the masking, distancing, sheltering in place, and still got Covid. I got the J&J early in the summer, and enjoyed my few months of normalcy. But now I'm supposed to believe that masking again is going to be safer?

This time around, I'm done being complacent. Unless it is mandated by my employer, everyone else can kiss my mask...
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So sorry to hear. Thanks for sharing your vaccine experience. Many experienced similar symptoms. One has to wonder what is in the shot they inject people with.
Microchips. Ask Bill Gates about it.
This is still an aviation board, right? You know the industry built on layers of safety? Of cross checks and second sets of eyes?

Why would any of you expect the vaccine alone to be bulletproof? It’s one (very effective) layer in a larger mitigation strategy.

Regarding mask wearing: wear one or don’t. Again, it’s totally up to you.

And it’s totally up to businesses/bars/stadiums to let you in or not. Don’t be mad when your choice leaves you standing on the outside.
This is still an aviation board, right? You know the industry built on layers of safety? Of cross checks and second sets of eyes?

Why would any of you expect the vaccine alone to be bulletproof? It’s one (very effective) layer in a larger mitigation strategy.

Regarding mask wearing: wear one or don’t. Again, it’s totally up to you.

And it’s totally up to businesses/bars/stadiums to let you in or not. Don’t be mad when your choice leaves you standing on the outside.
It should be about science, facts and effective testing. Unfortunately it's all political.

So far we know through facts, statistics and science that masks are not effective. Testing is flawed. Vaccines don't work ( more testing needed).
Lock downs don't work. Social distance doesn't work. Both vaxed and unvaxed get Covid-19. ( Israel and UK )
Ivermectin and HCQ treat Covid-19 successfully early onset.

All this information is available if you look for it once you get past CNN and the politics. Why play with peoples lives with politics instead of proven science and tested medicine?
It should be about science, facts and effective testing. Unfortunately it's all political.

So far we know through facts, statistics and science that masks are not effective. Testing is flawed. Vaccines don't work ( more testing needed).
Lock downs don't work. Social distance doesn't work. Both vaxed and unvaxed get Covid-19. ( Israel and UK )
Ivermectin and HCQ treat Covid-19 successfully early onset.

All this information is available if you look for it once you get past CNN and the politics. Why play with peoples lives with politics instead of proven science and tested medicine?
Explain Taiwan
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No company will cover the liability from the vaccine taken as a condition of employment or continued employment past their employment years. In other words who will be liable after you retire should a health issue arise? Employment is not permanent unlike the vaccine stays with you until your last breath. It's not like you can remove the vaccine from your body when you leave a company. All the vaccines are questionable at this point.

And just a reminder, all 3 current US injections are still under EUA which shields them from being sued as well. Despite the false information that Pfizer was FDA approved (it was not; a product called "Comirnaty" by Pfizer not even available in US was). Pretty deceptive trick they pulled if you ask me. So, companies either ignorant of this fact (or complicit with the deception) are not supporting fully informed consent with the injections they are pushing and trying to make contingent to employment and/or access to benefits.
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This is still an aviation board, right? You know the industry built on layers of safety? Of cross checks and second sets of eyes?

Yup, and FDA approval is supposed to imply a certain degree of safety, no?


FDA approved for morning sickness, and then there were tens of thousands of stillbirths and birth defects....
Yeah, not so sure "works" is how I would word it if the efficacy is only for six months and you get a worse case in the seventh month...
And just a reminder, all 3 current US injections are still under EUA which shields them from being sued as well. Despite the false information that Pfizer was FDA approved (it was not; a product called "Comirnaty" by Pfizer not even available in US was). Pretty deceptive trick they pulled if you ask me. So, companies either ignorant of this fact (or complicit with the deception) are not supporting fully informed consent with the injections they are pushing and trying to make contingent to employment and/or access to benefits.
Exactly! Unfortunately many don't read for themselves and rely on mainstream media to lie to the American people.