Some mainline stations to re-open?


Oct 5, 2003
Right in the middle.
**********Rumor only at this point*************

We heard from a flight crew today that due to serious operational/service meltdowns, roughly 5 outsourced stations will re-open to CSA's.

Normally, I don't traffic in rumor and innuendo (especially when it's second hand), but with all the problems some stations are having, this would/could make sense.

Anyone heard anything similar?
wow sounds like they dont want to have delays the way usair had when they first outsourced the cities--some flts took as long as 3 or 4 hr delays cuz of the new hires not knowing what they were doing
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wow sounds like they dont want to have delays the way usair had when they first outsourced the cities--some flts took as long as 3 or 4 hr delays cuz of the new hires not knowing what they were doing


It goes furhter than that...

In many cities, the agents now can't change anything with a ticket-no upgrades, no seat changes, no nothing. Several cities have had issues with agents not being able to operate jeways properly. There have been numerous A/C damage incidents as well.

What's most likely got NWA's attention (or it should have) is the FAA violations that are occuring; things like improper acceptance of cargo, and of course, the infamous boarding of a flight without any crew on board.
the infamous boarding of a flight without any crew on board.
Gate Agent to the Other Gate Agent," The passengers are all aboard, now we need the flight crew". "Oh Sh!t, the planes leaving, who left the keys in the ignition?" :lol:
That would be nice. Well I know of one station the idiot they hired as a manager never knew how to operate the jetbridge so how is she going to teach other people to drive it?

At one station the gal couldn't hande all the passengers. She didn't even "ask" if she could close the door nor if everything was OK, she just suddenly slammed the door after what was presumably the last pax boarded. :lol: We spent a good 20 minutes reseating people and listening to them bicker about how she treated them. :down:

I'll be really happy when they stop seating babies, autistic people, people with cerebral palsy, ect. in the exit row. :down: Try telling those people they can't sit there after the nice agent thought she was doing them a favor.

AND LETS NOT FORGET that one station that just upgraded people because they "felt like it"!!!!
**********Rumor only at this point*************

We heard from a flight crew today that due to serious operational/service meltdowns, roughly 5 outsourced stations will re-open to CSA's.

Normally, I don't traffic in rumor and innuendo (especially when it's second hand), but with all the problems some stations are having, this would/could make sense.

Anyone heard anything similar?

I noticed on a trip last week that the outsourced stations are NOT working as well as the NWA dream team had thought it would. NWA mgt has cut down to the bone and is running the operation at red line. The company is projected to make big $$$ next year. However, the operation is close to a system melt down. We can all thank Doug...
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Gate Agent to the Other Gate Agent," The passengers are all aboard, now we need the flight crew". "Oh Sh!t, the planes leaving, who left the keys in the ignition?" :lol:

Actually, it was more like this:

Upon arrival to the gate, the crew was cheerily told by the agent that she had "boarded everyone up for them and that they were all ready to go."

That would be nice.

You bet it would!

Well I know of one station the idiot they hired as a manager never knew how to operate the jetbridge so how is she going to teach other people to drive it?

At one station the gal couldn't hande all the passengers. She didn't even "ask" if she could close the door nor if everything was OK, she just suddenly slammed the door after what was presumably the last pax boarded. :lol: We spent a good 20 minutes reseating people and listening to them bicker about how she treated them. :down:

I'll be really happy when they stop seating babies, autistic people, people with cerebral palsy, ect. in the exit row. :down: Try telling those people they can't sit there after the nice agent thought she was doing them a favor.

AND LETS NOT FORGET that one station that just upgraded people because they "felt like it"!!!!

The sad part is these are just a few examples of what are widespread practices.

I know most people don't give a sh*t about quality as long as it's cheap, but at this rate, we won't even have that segment of the traveling public left.

Could not agree more with what you posted!
I noticed on a trip last week that the outsourced stations are NOT working as well as the NWA dream team had thought it would. NWA mgt has cut down to the bone and is running the operation at red line. The company is projected to make big $$$ next year. However, the operation is close to a system melt down. We can all thank Doug...

Case in point - here's what happened to NW customers in Omaha on Thursday...

Wait Watchers
Miscue delays luggage

Many travelers have horror stories about life on the move. On Thursday night, 136 people at Eppley Airfield each added one to their list.

Frustration arrived aboard Northwest Airlines Flight 1230 from Minneapolis to Omaha.

"People were furious," one said.

Jimmy Dunn, couldn't believe it.

"We waited one hour and 40 minutes," he said.

He was waiting for his luggage.

The bags came with plane but the luggage carousel remained empty. It remained empty twice as long as the plane took to fly from Minneapolis to Omaha.

The problem was traced to a ground crew mistake. Northwest says three of its aircraft created the confusion.

The plane in question, the flight from Minneapolis, landed first in Omaha at 8:07 p.m. It was a few minutes late. A Memphis flight came in two minutes later. That one was a few minutes early. A Detroit flight landed at 8:38. The passengers on that plane got their bags first. It's not supposed to work that way.

Dunn says, "You need to at least communicate with us and apologize to the people."

The Dunn family, along with everyone else on the flight, left with a $100 travel voucher and a new travel story to tell.

A Northwest Airlines spokesman apologized for the mistake when we spoke with him Friday.

In the latest government report, Northwest had the fewest number of mishandled bags among the big carriers.
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As noted in the series C thread, we had some VP's here yesterday. This was brought up VP Bill Lentsch, and midwest GM Brian Mcmahon (who has the most outsourced stations of any region), and both flatly denied any reopening of stations-unless contractually mandated.

When pressed further about alienating customers, they gave a little song and dance about how the company is "addressing these issues," and that some stations "were bad before," but gave no concrete plan to resolve these issues.

A triple header at night in the midwest? The horror! :rolleyes: Just wait 'til thunderstorm season is in full swing.

The downward spiral continues.

P.S. I'm just cynical enough to believe that any rumor so adamantly deinied by mgmt. has a kernel of truth to it.
Jenny if you're letting thoose types of people sit in the exit row then YOU are going to be the one who takes ALL the heat if something goes wrong. YOU have the final cabin authority. If there is a contest then notify the Captain. The examples you listed are in violation of the rules for those exits. No family members on board and able bodied. I hope you're joking.

I'll be really happy when they stop seating babies, autistic people, people with cerebral palsy, ect. in the exit row. :down: Try telling those people they can't sit there after the nice agent thought she was doing them a favor.

AND LETS NOT FORGET that one station that just upgraded people because they "felt like it"!!!!
Jenny if you're letting thoose types of people sit in the exit row then YOU are going to be the one who takes ALL the heat if something goes wrong. YOU have the final cabin authority. If there is a contest then notify the Captain. The examples you listed are in violation of the rules for those exits. No family members on board and able bodied. I hope you're joking.
Oh I know dear. I don't take any flack, even when they are slick enough to have their own extension belts in their bags.
What I'm saying is that they are placing all sorts of people there that don't belong there- and we got to spend more time on the ground moving people around. The exit cards don't stipulate that "families" can't sit there so they can contest that. But under 15- GET OUT. <_<
**********Rumor only at this point*************

We heard from a flight crew today that due to serious operational/service meltdowns, roughly 5 outsourced stations will re-open to CSA's.

Normally, I don't traffic in rumor and innuendo (especially when it's second hand), but with all the problems some stations are having, this would/could make sense.

Anyone heard anything similar?
We frontline and ramp agents at United are watching this VERY closely. We know our company would sell us off in a heartbeat. We applaud every time we hear their outsourcing horror stories. In OMA today, rumor is 7 agents plus supr walked off the job at NW. The story about the hour and 40 minute wait was on the news the other night (we don't have a whole lot of other news here) The media was able to set up and run a story before the bags arrived at the carousel. Those agents working for NW have no bennies what so ever. Who would want a job like that for no benefits? I actually feel sorry for the agents down there because they are worked to the bone and given very few days off. There are all kinds of stories coming from NW.
and midwest GM Brian Mcmahon (who has the most outsourced stations of any region),

Oh please if this is the Mcmahon that ran LAS things are getting worse. He could f**k up a wet dream. This is the yahoo who oversaw LAS blowing every ground handling contract they had due to service failures.
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Oh please if this is the Mcmahon that ran LAS things are getting worse. He could f**k up a wet dream. This is the yahoo who oversaw LAS blowing every ground handling contract they had due to service failures.

The same.

I'm no fan, either. He just happened to be in my city on a visit, so we asked.

There are all kinds of stories coming from NW.

Feel free to keep sharing them here! :up: