Someone In The Twu Speaks The Truth

TWU informer

Nov 4, 2003

November 18, 2003

Mr. Sonny Hall
Transport Workers Union of America
1700 Broadway, 2nd floor
New York, New York 10019-5905

Dear President Hall:

To quote Edward R. Morrow, "don't you have any sense of decency?" This
is the question I must ask after reading the September 'TWU Express'
(herein 'TWU Pravda').

In recent months, you have deliberately ignored my inquires for a full
explanation of the authoritarian removal of two elected Local 562
officers. Your protegee and partner in suppressing free speech, Jim
Little, has also been equally remiss. The International Union avoided a
dialog on this subject with a befuddled and inquisitive Local 562
membership. Instead, we read in 'TWU Pravda' your twisted account
without any journalistic responsibility. Why weren't Chuck Schalk and
Bob Owens interviewed for the article covering their suspension? I'll
tell you why; the same system of obedience in place in the TWU hierarchy
also contaminates the Union's newspaper!

Any first-year journalism major would have asked why you cowardly
refused to attend Bob Owens' trial, even though you were his accuser and
chief witness for the prosecution. His counsel was left with an empty
chair to cross-examine. Therefore, the Owens defense was fundamentally
sabotaged by your absence. The ace reporters of 'TWU Pravda', however,
disguised this Sixth Amendment violation as a celebration in TWU justice.

Likewise, the article in 'TWU Pravda' proclaiming 80 Locals condemn AMFA
didn't mention they were probably coerced following the draconian tactic
to pressure the entire AA President's Council to sign solidarity
letters. This, as you know, led to the suspension of three presidents,
including Chuck Schalk. Incidentally, 'TWU Pravda' conveniently
neglected to report how Brother Schalk wrote three separate letters of
allegiance, but all failed to meet Jim Little's criteria of ideological
submission. If you steadfastly insist the denunciation of AMFA by the
80 Locals was strictly voluntary, then you're obligated to restore Chuck
Schalk's good name and apologize to him personally.

'TWU Pravda' is an instrument to conceal dissent and sanitize the abuse
of power of your administration. Its tentacles weave through the TWU
system to strangulate opposition. For example, the page eight story
berates the Local 100 leadership for demonstrating at International
headquarters and withdrawing from COPE. Without any attempt to examine
both sides of the argument, the severing of COPE is presented as
careless. One e-mail query to Local 100 and I discovered they have been
more effective in lobbying state and city governments on their own than
as part of the International's bureaucracy. Am I more cunning than the
editors of 'TWU Pravda'? No, I'm just free to ask the rudimentary
questions of responsible journalism.

The same article cited that Local 100 Treasurer Ed Watt refused to
apologize for the demonstration at TWU headquarters. The Local 562
membership genuinely appreciated the support from our Local 100
brethren, and an apology would have justified the witch-hunts
orchestrated against Brothers Schalk and Owens. I had the pleasure of
meeting Brother Watt at the recent Labor Day parade. Unlike you, he
didn't find it mundane to interact with the rank and file.
Coincidentally, 'TWU Pravda' did cover the Labor Day parade, though
pictures of you were conspicuously missing. This is because the Local
100 contingent was a cauldron of dissent, and you cowed at the daunting
prospect of facing them. So like the coward you are, you played hooky
on Labor's most sacred day.

The foe of democracy doesn't have to be tangible. It could be a
philosophical principle such as the control of speech and press, which
you have skillfully employed to protect your cherished structure of
cronyism. 'TWU Pravda' has documented your travels across this great
land, but nobody can ever recall you touring a TWU workshop at an
airport. This is typical amongst dictators, who isolate themselves from
the working class. You rather solicit skewed advice from an ATD
director intent on pleasing you, rather than subjecting yourself to the
criticism of an aroused membership. Then you rely on a biased
publication to paint a rosy picture of the TWU world.

As I repeatedly stated in the past, I have not signed an AMFA card.
Therefore, I can objectively study the dynamics of the present contest
without political entanglements. Neither Chuck Schalk nor Bob Owens
promoted another Union during their terms. They served the membership
that elected them well. To have them removed by an accountable force is
an affront to democracy. To see their names smeared is a disgrace to

G. Santos