Southwest Edges out AA as Worlds Largest Carrier

I personally don't care about the group participation in a classroom. However, if they are going to do this I would suggest that those associated with that type of "training" would keep their big mouths shut in the busy lobby of the FBO. There were numerous people in the room that could have heard this guys conversation and any of the people milling around could have been from the FAA.

My opinion of SWA has been sealed for quite sometime. I think others were given a good taste of the type of people that SWA hires today in the lobby of the FBO. Knowing when to use and inside voice is not a trade secret, too bad this guy was not privy to common sense.

You don't care? You must spend all of your waking hours in search of anything negative about SWA.

Most of us are open-minded enough to understand that you cannot pass judgement on an entire group based upon one individual. Your opinion appears sealed because you refuse to look at the facts, all of them. I guess that is your right and your loss.
You don't care? You must spend all of your waking hours in search of anything negative about SWA.

Most of us are open-minded enough to understand that you cannot pass judgement on an entire group based upon one individual. Your opinion appears sealed because you refuse to look at the facts, all of them. I guess that is your right and your loss.

Not my first encounter with SWA people and this guy is exactly what I expect from my previous encounters.
Not my first encounter with SWA people and this guy is exactly what I expect from my previous encounters.

And you sir are a shining example of the tired and bankrupt old UA mentality.

Fly across the Pacific in a WN 737 instead of your whiz-bang seats? C'mon!

Apples and oranges.

Good luck when Tilton finally sells you off!

Why not just give WN the respect they've earned for 30 years of profitability.

Domestically you are toast.
Fly across the Pacific in a WN 737 instead of your whiz-bang seats? C'mon!

Apples and oranges.

I agree that any real airline and SWA are different. It was your clown that said ask America who is the best, and I don't believe that is a fair gauge because the real airlines serve the global economy. I would very much like for the analyst and the folks like yourself to quite comparing the legacy carriers to SWA. They are different animals and serve different economic groups. However, it your people that perpetually compare yourselves to the real airlines.

It would be best for all of us if our managements did not use SWA as a barometer in the past for the productivity they want from us. Just like the big mouth yesterday bragging about 98 hours in July. I don't think anyone in their right mind wants to fly that much. But it is the SWA mentality to do so and the level that managements around the country use to try and get their crews to fly. In a traditional hub and spoke system that does not work. Too many ATC issues and inefficiencies with the banks. But SWA with the hourly service between LBB and TUL can get away with it.
I agree that any real airline and SWA are different. It was your clown that said ask America who is the best, and I don't believe that is a fair gauge because the real airlines serve the global economy. I would very much like for the analyst and the folks like yourself to quite comparing the legacy carriers to SWA. They are different animals and serve different economic groups. However, it your people that perpetually compare yourselves to the real airlines.

It would be best for all of us if our managements did not use SWA as a barometer in the past for the productivity they want from us. Just like the big mouth yesterday bragging about 98 hours in July. I don't think anyone in their right mind wants to fly that much. But it is the SWA mentality to do so and the level that managements around the country use to try and get their crews to fly. In a traditional hub and spoke system that does not work. Too many ATC issues and inefficiencies with the banks. But SWA with the hourly service between LBB and TUL can get away with it.

I think the above is a thesis on why UA is in bankruptcy
I agree that any real airline and SWA are different. It was your clown that said ask America who is the best, and I don't believe that is a fair gauge because the real airlines serve the global economy. I would very much like for the analyst and the folks like yourself to quite comparing the legacy carriers to SWA. They are different animals and serve different economic groups. However, it your people that perpetually compare yourselves to the real airlines.

It would be best for all of us if our managements did not use SWA as a barometer in the past for the productivity they want from us. Just like the big mouth yesterday bragging about 98 hours in July. I don't think anyone in their right mind wants to fly that much. But it is the SWA mentality to do so and the level that managements around the country use to try and get their crews to fly. In a traditional hub and spoke system that does not work. Too many ATC issues and inefficiencies with the banks. But SWA with the hourly service between LBB and TUL can get away with it.

Do some research. SWA does not fly between LBB and TUL. Average block hours per pilot is just under 700 per year. If a guy/girl wants to fly morer and make more, they are free to do so (and get second year pay for a new one).

Although you are correct about the built in efficiencies of a hub and spoke operationI, that is where it ends. I guess to be a "real airline" the company should treat customers and employees poorly, go back on promises to employees and creditors, and loose money.
It was your clown that said ask America who is the best, and I don't believe that is a fair gauge because the real airlines serve the global economy. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- However, it your people that perpetually compare yourselves to the real airlines.

Hey skippy -- I don't work for WN.

So much for your fabulous analytical skills.....

'Real' airlines make a genuine profit (instead of cooking the books) and I did not know that a company must serve the global economy to be 'real'.

C'mon now -- you work with Jake Brace, right?

Once 'ol Jake cashes in his stock options for bestowed upon him for leading you over the cliff then you are his-tore-ee!
Notice my silence...

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Noted and appreciated.
Notice how much shorter this topic would be, if we all ignored the flame-bait??
Where's the emoticon for 'tired'?? :rolleyes:
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Where's the emoticon for 'tired'??

You mean the professional workforce that showed up drunk to fly a flight, flew naked, conducted an amazingly unstabalized approach into BUR and a similar event on an icy runway? Or the professional First Officer that posted the blog and photos in sterile cockpit area while bashing the competition and wishing they "would just go away". That is the professionals I presume you are referring.

You may be right in one respect. You do have a varied cast actors in that play.

And yet, they still earn more on the guppy than you do on anything. sucks, no?