Southwest Releases Leadership Book


Apr 26, 2005
There have been many, many books come out along the years about how Southwest is ran as a big company. Matter fact regular bus 101 college's have used the Southwest management as examples and tools to teach graduating college classes on how to run a large company and how to treat the employees in corp America.
So now comes this latest book out about how they are so focused on the employees and putting them first. Will be interesting to see if the really use anything from said book for any future contract nego's moving forward. I know Southwest wants to completely avoid the entire fiasco of the last almost 7 years in nego's for the Mechanics, just because one lonesome leader said that; "we had the Mechanics by the balls" where he was completely wrong. In reality AMFA's Membership actually had full control by staying united and not falling for all their up front low-ball offers as well as no retro in the beginning.
Now we did see a recent agreement with our AT's coming to a contract extension, so maybe, just maybe they will continue to work in the future the same way. We all know and remember that some co side team nego's were removed mid to late nego's and then the entire nego cmte was removed towards the end and replaced with all new co side nego team. Then once Mr. KK was put in charge of the Mechanics nego's and directed by the CEO to get it done, it was done over a long and hard core nego weekend. Amazing just how quickly you can get contracts accomplished when not playing high school games and propaganda. As spoken by Mr. KK we all hope to be considering a contract extension for a smooth move into a new contract in 2023 when ours comes due.
Ever since this man has come here he has done a lot for the Mechanics group at SWA. I hope is able to continue on his words in the future...

Done alot for get AMFA to give up more lines to foreign repair stations to cut a second time around deal and make sure he got language so you couldn't stop ALL the engine overhaul work on the 737-700 NG fleet to IAERO here in the United States!!!
There have been many, many books come out along the years about how Southwest is ran as a big company. Matter fact regular bus 101 college's have used the Southwest management as examples and tools to teach graduating college classes on how to run a large company and how to treat the employees in corp America.
So now comes this latest book out about how they are so focused on the employees and putting them first. Will be interesting to see if the really use anything from said book for any future contract nego's moving forward. I know Southwest wants to completely avoid the entire fiasco of the last almost 7 years in nego's for the Mechanics, just because one lonesome leader said that; "we had the Mechanics by the balls" where he was completely wrong. In reality AMFA's Membership actually had full control by staying united and not falling for all their up front low-ball offers as well as no retro in the beginning.
Now we did see a recent agreement with our AT's coming to a contract extension, so maybe, just maybe they will continue to work in the future the same way. We all know and remember that some co side team nego's were removed mid to late nego's and then the entire nego cmte was removed towards the end and replaced with all new co side nego team. Then once Mr. KK was put in charge of the Mechanics nego's and directed by the CEO to get it done, it was done over a long and hard core nego weekend. Amazing just how quickly you can get contracts accomplished when not playing high school games and propaganda. As spoken by Mr. KK we all hope to be considering a contract extension for a smooth move into a new contract in 2023 when ours comes due.
Ever since this man has come here he has done a lot for the Mechanics group at SWA. I hope is able to continue on his words in the future...

AMFA should always just go for a contract extension that gives you cash because they are absolutely useless and incompetent at trying to improve scope. 19 years of failures at SWA.