Specified Data

Word in question edited as you wished

The job is sort of only half accomplished in my opinion....

My Gawd... what does it take to make you happy??? Would you be satisfied if skywrench squished us all (who disagree with you) like little bugs??

Is there any of us on here that you do not enjoy berating?? Or is it just that the only way to make yourself happy, is to make sure others are more miserable than you??

This, for all involved (Kyle and moderators included) is a wonderfull example of how this person works. He/She (wouldn't want to mention any specifics for fear someone might figure out who he/she is..) will go on and on ad nauseum until the oponent is browbeaten into submission. Even though the moderator edited the subject matter to remove what was considered offensive.

This is the kind of mental manipulation that is used by this person to get his/her own way.. And this, my friends, in my opinion
violates the intent, spirit, and rules of the CAAviation forum.
just quickly reading through these posts, there seems to be a particular vibe developing and it's an "all about me" vibe. Just once I would like to know why is it always about you (you know who I'm talking about), and why does your opinion always need to be accepted?
I learned from a young age to agree to disagree sometimes. Maybe it's time you heeded that advice on occasion.

Stop letting the guy wind you up! We all know an assahola when we come in contact with one,
Remember,he's the only man who, if told to screw himself, could do it.
Sorry #####,but If you act like an ass, don't get insulted if people ride you.

I noticed that Charles was man enough to apologize where he felt he overstepped the bounds. A very noble trait that some others (not naming anyone specifically) should pick up on.
Watching the #####/Twotter/Charles W free-for-all is more fun than a barrel of monkeys.

Keep it coming ( within forum guide line of course)

:elvis: :up: :elvis:
Hey, we aim to please Elvis ;) .

louie old bud, he's not winding me up because to get wound up, I'd have to take some credence in what he says. I'm merely trying to point out what he has done to you, among many others.. :rolleyes:

Keep up the good replies, I'm sure that eventually the common problem will be realised.. :up:

Cheers all..
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  • #22
twotter, (and cheerleaders), you don't have the benefit of understanding my post because you didn't see the process in action.

This morning when I reviewed Skywrench's "fix" he had only removed the offending word that Charles asked to be removed, from one post. What is the sense of removing an offending word from one post and not the same word in the same context two posts later? No sense at all, and Skywrench read my post and realized that and fixed it. Thank you Skywrench! Unfortunately, he didn't make a second post to answer my "half accomplished" statement by acknowledging the oversight nor did I offer an expanded explanation in my post.

The result? Rabid retaliation from a professional victim who NEEDS someone to attack....who thrives on personal attack rather than knowledge and experience to add to discussions. Feel free to apologize twotter, now that you know the circumstances....

I've really been biting my tongue on this thread, but I see nothing has changed....garbage in, garbage out.

twotter, next time you jump to conclusions and immediately launch an attack, perhaps try asking me what I meant by my post. It might save you and your supporters all that angst...
twotter, next time you jump to conclusions and immediately launch an attack, perhaps try asking me what I meant by my post. It might save you and your supporters all that angst...

Maybe if you went by the old saying of "Say what you mean, and mean what you say" people wouldn't "Jump to conclusions". When you say something, people will take it for what is said. Most of us, unlike you, do not twist things so as to take them out of context. Your statement was:
The job is sort of only half accomplished in my opinion....

Maybe it's just me, but what would you say that means?? It says you think skywrench only did half a job.. <_<

Now talk about someone who has issues, or is it just that you don't get it???
Rabid retaliation from a professional victim who NEEDS someone to attack....who thrives on personal attack rather than knowledge and experience to add to discussions. Feel free to apologize twotter, now that you know the circumstances....

This is what I would call a direct and very personal attack, which is one of the things you are always complaining about. So which way is it??? Were you a little confused again? Or are you just a hypocrite?? :rolleyes:

Now see, I won't complain to Kyle or skywrench about it because, I'm not worried about it tarnishing my reputation. Everyone knows where it came from. B)
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  • #26
I figured you went to all that trouble to acknowledge my last post twotter. And it wasn't at all as hostile as your preceding ones. I figure that means you at least understand that you were mistaken.

I don't ever expect you to directly acknowledge wrongdoing....but this came close.

So..thanks man. And Bless your heart....

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