Status Update


Dec 23, 2003
Would those of you with information please post here for quick read/update on current conditions. Please post only verifiable data (include the link)

Company data
they just released Feb traffic

indicating FEB traffic up 15% good
yet the load factor only rose to 68.5 from 67.1% (not good)
RPMs rose 10% good
not sure how you get 15% traffic increase on only a 1.4% load factor increase though

Pilots (same link)
talking? with company

Flight Attendants

Bronner "not sure he won everyone over"
Perry Hayes "not impressed"

agrees to arbitration on outsourcing of heavy maintence

saving costs of 1.5 billion. various areas
again not sure of the math here.

1.5billion from q4 earnings release (
total employees 26797 divided into the 1.5 billion = 55,976 dollars per employee

Total employee costs again q4 earns rls 1848 for nine months -134mill charges = 1764 (1.764Billion)/9*12= projection of 2352 or 2.252 Billion total personnel costs
cutting 1.5 billion from 2.25 bilion is a 67% reduction not 25%

212 million in sick cuts targets (26797)employees=7851 per employee at 25 bucks an hour thats a cut of 314 hours, how many 25.00 per hour employees took 314 hours of sick?

please add facts for easy reference.

"not sure how you get 15% traffic increase on only a 1.4% load factor increase though"

The 15.9% increase is in revenue passenger miles. Between flying the average passenger further and increasing available seat miles (longer average stage length), the load factor only increased 1.4%.
