Thank you sir, may I have another!


Aug 22, 2002
Jeesh, the hits keep on coming. Starting to make my upcoming furlough look like a vacation.[BR][BR][A href=][/A]
Dave has already given up more of the market share than U can afford to lose. SWA announced on Wednesday that they intend to grow BWI significantly (gee, I wonder why. Maybe because it's right in the middle of the EAST COAST?). U CANNOT control markets in DCA and PHL with Baltimore under SWA's control. NO WAY, NO HOW! I guess our illustrious management thinks that folks (business people as well as families) would rather drive to DCA or PHL, cram into an RJ for top dollar, than drive an hour or hour-and-a-half to get on a new 737. Yea, sounds pretty stupid to me too. I'll bet Dr. Bronner is looking as hard as he can for a way out of this mess he's gotten his investors in. I'll bet that by the end of December, with DAL's new high-density, low fare system starting up, a larger presence of SWA, and I'm sure that Airtran will jump in too, that U will have NO MARKETS LEFT on the east coast. You give up market share, and your competition jumps in and fills it. Even Seth Scofield knew that. I don't see how U can recover. Giving more in concessions will just mean that the labor groups will have less in their bank accounts when the end finally gets here!
Dave said projected revenues are down. Duh, we can't shrink the airline into profitability! It's been tried before and just doesn't work. Maybe we can get the marketing department to start doing their job instead putting their heads in the sand and thinking the run and hide stradegy works. TWA was the perfect example of how this just doesn't work. Enough already......
In a speech to airline investors yesterday, David Siegel, US Airways president and chief executive, said airline management and labor unions must find a way to chart a more productive, stable course, according to a telephone hotline message for employees. Siegel added that US Airways' management has a responsibility to make decisions with long-term success in mind, while being open, fair and labor-friendly.

Never mind Austin Powers..HOW about the bumbling comic JIM CAREY in the movie...Liar Liar?
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 11/14/2002 7:41:58 AM CS-pro wrote:
[P] Siegel added that US Airways' management has a responsibility to make decisions with long-term success in mind, while being open, fair and labor-friendly.[BR][BR]I LOVE THAT LAST SENTENCE...TICKLED PINK!~[BR]Never mind Austin Powers..HOW about the bumbling comic JIM CAREY in the movie...Liar Liar?[/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P]Then....restructure the fares. Get rid of the penalties. You CAN make money without gouging the customer. You can ATTRACT customers that way, and believe it or not, you can IMPROVE the revenue outlook that way.'s still something that isn't being considered. I suppose they could lobby the FAA to allow single pilot operations and reduce the number of FA's required per flight. Looks like they are hoping for high revenues by reducing supply to levels that make them nothing more than a regional carrier, and a small one at that. [/P]