Thanks to a very special crew

Art at ISP

Aug 20, 2002
Dix Hills NY
As you know, I firmly believe that US people are by far the best in the industry. Yesterday I had the pleasure of flying with a crew who stand out even amongst their peers.

After beginning preboarding of F class (after letting families with small children on board), a gentleman with an oxygen bottle was wheeled up. The gate agent was very professional and had to deal with the paperwork for the oxygen, therefore boarding was stopped. After a couple of minutes the agent proceeded personally take this gentleman on board and take care of the oxygen arrangement.

After about 5 minutes another gate agent appeared, apparently unaware that the previous agent had begun boarding already. She went through all the pre boarding announcements and then rudely asked those of us in line to step back to make room for families with kids (already boarded). We moved back as far as we possibly could without trampling people behind us, and after a few more seconds she boarded us, making a slightly snide remark to the passenger in front of me and myself as we boarded (apparently we didn't move back far enough). Later I found out that other passengers had approached the crew about this agent and they apologized for her behavior.

I knew something would be different on board when prior to departure the captain came out and spoke personally to the passengers in F, welcoming us on board and giving us some of the flight details (time, temp, etc.) He thanked us each for flying with him and his crew as well. I has been a very long time since I have seen this flair and initiative in passenger relations (management are you listening?).I thought I had flown with this captain before--he looked very familiar.

The service was excellent with the few tools left (the crew apologized for the quality of the food and the lack of real utensils (as well as for the fact that the cabin wasn't cleaned-I stepped on a cookie under my seat from the last flight).

About an hour and a half before landing, the captain came out and approached me by name. He said that he thought he had seen me on his airplane before, and personally expressed his appreciation for my business and continued loyalty. I was floored!! We had a very pleasant conversation before he returned to his duties.

This is but an example of the professionalism and enthusiasm which is still exhibited by you fine people at US. YOU are the reason that I and so many of my fellow passengers keep coming back, despite the fact that management keeps taking from you the tools and the desire to do a good job. PLEASE keep up the good work.

I would like to extend MY appreciation to Captain Kleid (spelling?) and his crew from yesterday. It was an honor and privelege to fly with you and I hope to do so again in the near future.

I just thought with all the negativity around here, some of you might like to know about this...

My tag should be IT'S THE PEOPLE STUPID in my notes to Dave and Company...

B. Ben are you listening???????

PS The note is already on it's way to CA!