The Concession Stand Is Closed For Cwa.

Aug 23, 2002
My impressions are that the Reservation Agents, & Airport agents who deal directly with the public have had enough of the concession talk....What improvements have been accomplished with the pay and benefits that have been already sacrificed...

These are a few of the the concessions given up:::::::::

1.There is NO pension for Airport Agents/ Reservation Agents....
2.Gave up 2 holidays....
3. Only get 75% pay on your vacation week...
4. Gave up salary....Now reps have a lower payscale now than even the Southwest agents have...
.............................And also now......
5. Are coping with the tremendous workload from going from 9 reservation centers to 2 centers...
6. Booking more flights with United and Luthansua now....
7. Handling all the customer calls & questions like why is your web site frozen?.....Why is it giving me error messages?....I don't like the seats...Why didn't I get an e mail confirmation? ...Your web site is the worst!...Why can't you give me the same price?.....etc..

It is my belief the the morale is at its lowest...The people that keep selliing the public on the airline are getting very discouraged from daily tv/newspaper articles of doom...and that it is festering down to the public....

Oh yeah....A reported comment from Dave stated thru CWA ...that consolidation is inevitable, but other air carriers wouldn't want "our employees".......
Res Agnt,

Couldn't agree with you more. Even those who have been there twenty some years are saying the same thing. What was the latest? 20% plus 5 years seniority? I can't afford, can you?

Funny call for you tonight. Got a call from an agent at AC. They wanted to protect a passenger per rule 240 on our LGA to ITH flight tomorrow. She nor her supervisor knew that OAs are charged full fare for protection. I was under the impression everyone knew that. Go figure!!!
If I worked for usair...ways, which I don't (snicker), I'd tell the david's to find their savings somewhere else. It ain't happening here.....
ROFL ! Add people out of a job completly... How does that factor in with the vote? Please stop with the childish slogans.
usfliboi said:
ROFL ! Add people out of a job completly... How does that factor in with the vote? Please stop with the childish slogans.
Grown-ups never understand anything for themselves, and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explaining things to them.
cavalier said:
Grown-ups never understand anything for themselves, and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explaining things to them.
King abdul shaking abba gate said "one knows when not to fight a battle with the strategery of winning the war."
usfliboi said:
King abdul shaking abba gate said "one knows when not to fight a battle with the strategery of winning the war."
Be mild with the mild, shrewd with the crafty, confiding to the honest, rough to the ruffian, and a thunderbolt to the liar. But in all this, never be unmindful of your own dignity.
28yearsnojob said:
:down: Cwa gets what they deserve ,they voted in contract by 5 votes.
Just curious how many of your fellow agents you spoke to about the vote and convinced to vote no? How many union events you helped with to get the info out and tell everyone what they were voting for?
If you did, then good for you and sorry it didnt work out. If your answer is none, then I'm afraid you got what you deserved too.
Oh yeah....A reported comment from Dave stated thru CWA ...that consolidation is inevitable, but other air carriers wouldn't want "our employees".......


Here is another "age" remark above from Dave and team above. He will be fried on these statements and actions by the outside courts.
PITbull said:
Oh yeah....A reported comment from Dave stated thru CWA ...that consolidation is inevitable, but other air carriers wouldn't want "our employees".......


Here is another "age" remark above from Dave and team above. He will be fried on these statements and actions by the outside courts.
Again reality ! Why would someone want to buy a high cost "in trouble " airline, when they can buy a lower cost more profitable aireline His statement is right on! I dont want to merge however if we have to I d like to see us being the one who survives in name. Will any of it happen ? hmmm Who knows...
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Feedback I get is that the company would like to think the agents should be compared to JetBlue agents, instead of Southwest....JetBlue is a rather new upstart company with agents working from home..I believe in Salt Lake City...Making a few dollars over minimun wage with about 15 cities they serve...A drop in the bucket, when compared with U's domestic and International service....USAIRWAYS has more flights just out of Philadelphia, than JetBlue has across the whole country!

Rather than to compare us to Southwest which is more on the same playing field with USAIRWAYS in size, departures, aircraft, history, etc....

Southwest makes a profit and they pay their top agents $21.80 and hour with USAIRWAYS around $20.00....And the majority of USAIRWAYS agents now fall closer to the $10.00 hr rate, with all the layoffs and the closing of 7 Reservation centers...

I believe even the financial wizards on Wall Street downgraded JetBlue's value on recent poor performance in meeting expectations....

So, it is not the agents pay that is keeping the airline from making money...It is the massive amount of fares, fare restrictions, change fees, top heavy mgt expenses, and the lack of marketing, I'd say.....

U wants to favor the preferred members over the leisure travellers ...and now the preferred members are seeing fewer first class seats with B757 realignment with only 8 fc seats, express aircraft replacing the roomier ac without the first class amenities...

I think the CWA members are taking a wait and see on this...But, feel that they do not make the money that a pilot does to have give up anything else....If a pilot made $90,000 and takes a cut to $80,000 ...working 25 hrs a week...that is an easier adjustment than a CWA agent making $18,000 trying to drop down to $13,000 a year, working a full 40 hrs a week..... :down: