The DEBT CEILING.... coming to a state rep. near you !

Get with the times, the Congress is not democratic controlled, the House is republican and the Senate is democrat.

Dont let the facts get in your way.
Its democrat controlled in the sense that Reid absolutely refuses to bring any GOP bills to the floor that would force his sheep to vote on anything that would expose them to voter ridicule.
Article 1, section 7 of the US Constitution.

All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills.

The United States Americans are a strange breed, indeed. You accuse foreigners of stealing your jobs when they legally immigrate to your country. Then you accuse American companies of shipping American jobs overseas since they don't want to pay phenomanol environmental fees and escalating American cost of living expenses.

Lets blame Reagan for starting it by tearing down the Wall of crossbred scum that were dependant on government handouts by socialism and communism. And Clinton perfected it with NAFTA. Followed by corporate AMERICA showing how easily workers can be replaced and...

WELCOME TO AMERICA, ooops, er ah, WELCOME to America in the world market it created :rolleyes:
Bush was President when NAFTA was proposed and negotiated, why is it so hard for people realize those facts?

It was ratified and signed when Clinton was President, and Clinton insisted labor protection be included.
Bush was President when NAFTA was proposed and negotiated, why is it so hard for people realize those facts?

It was ratified and signed when Clinton was President, and Clinton insisted labor protection be included.

Looking around at all the empty factories, jobs gone overseas, looks like its working quite well.
'downeaster' ??

dell, you mean a 'DOWN..EASTAAAAAH' (as in Downeast MAINE)

You remember Maine dell, where your ARSE was a few years back,..where you and your lady went to eat 'LOBSTAAAH' : )

In regard to the Ron Paul story, I don't discount it one Bit !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lets GO you regular 'coolers.
I NEED 'D C' predictions PLZ. !!!!!

I KNOW my fellow 'cooler / Kev3188 / K C Flyer / 'Tree / Sparrow / Glenn / (the) "DOG : ) / 'southwind / Rdu / "Yours Truly" are NOT BASHFUL when it comes to predictions !

The Republicans will cave today.
Bush was President when NAFTA was proposed and negotiated, why is it so hard for people realize those facts?

It was ratified and signed when Clinton was President, and Clinton insisted labor protection be included.

And labor protection was included. The Mexican and Canadian labor is well protected as their GDP continues to grow.

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