The End Game

Dog Wonder

Jan 1, 2004
Please step back and stop the ranting (on both sides) for a couple of posts.

Dave is relatively young and inexperienced as CEOs go. Low paid for that group, even though he gets more than most of us will ever make. Still, he wants a future too.

When this whole thing plays out his life, and every other one stuck in this mess, will go on.

I won't accuse him of considering the havoc he is creating with every employee at US Airways. Maybe he believes the only way he can do his job the way it has to be done is to maintain his detachment from the employees.

There is one thing I'm sure he cares about, and that is himself. If he takes a major and very visible business into airline history that is his legacy. Very hard to restore a career with such an abominable failure. There is a perverse element in the business world that applauds the cutting off your nose to spite your face in stomping all over organized labor, at the expense of running a business into the ground, that may provide him a market. There is a glut of potential CEOs with the same credential and more experience. Dave surely wants to walk away from this at some point and go on to better things.

He is trying to buy time. The leak to the New York Times was no accident. It smacks of desperation. But if he has any sense, give him credit for some, it is not the end game. That is the crux of the future of this company.

For Dave to go on US Airways must. His end game, if he wants a future, is to solve this. Closing the doors will not serve Dave well, and looking out for Dave is how he got where he is.
Dave made $4 million last year, he is overpaid and makes more then most Airline CEOs
Dog wonder -- thanks for the call to step back and collect our thoughts.

You almost had me ---- until you finished with that oversimplified conclusion.

Dave Siegel has proven himself, if not in this venture then others.

The historians will pin this failure on Dave's predecessors, not him.

Good luck to all!
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It is simple. Everyone, almost has their own self interest at mind here, even Dave. He isn't going away. He has himself to look out for.

Even if he made 4 million this year there is another twenty years to look at.
Hate to break the news to you, but if Dave flames in a big stinky hole for U BUT made it possible for the "Legacy Carriers" to break the wage rates set by the ALPA, APA, APFA,AFA, IAM, TWU...then U's demise though regrettable, will have actually furnished an entire set of highly specialized and trained employees, facilities and aircraft to remaining carriers at bargain rates...

The bottom line is that the same guy that is supposedly the "turnaround" artist is most likely acceptable to the creditor class because he is also the guy that will implement Plan "B"; and, Never believe that the creditor class would not be consulted before the transition: far too many debt instruments carry call options when the issuer is suspect. Dave punches out with a big parachute and the legacy of being the guy that started the landslide in airline employee wages...hardly a loss.

Even if he never returns to aviation, per Lorenzo, what about Icahn?...he kept out of the ownership of an airline but influenced a carriers demise through the arrangement that supposedly removed him.
Dog Wonder said:
Please step back and stop the ranting (on both sides) for a couple of posts.

Dave is relatively young and inexperienced as CEOs go. Low paid for that group, even though he gets more than most of us will ever make. Still, he wants a future too.

When this whole thing plays out his life, and every other one stuck in this mess, will go on.

I won't accuse him of considering the havoc he is creating with every employee at US Airways. Maybe he believes the only way he can do his job the way it has to be done is to maintain his detachment from the employees.

There is one thing I'm sure he cares about, and that is himself. If he takes a major and very visible business into airline history that is his legacy. Very hard to restore a career with such an abominable failure. There is a perverse element in the business world that applauds the cutting off your nose to spite your face in stomping all over organized labor, at the expense of running a business into the ground, that may provide him a market. There is a glut of potential CEOs with the same credential and more experience. Dave surely wants to walk away from this at some point and go on to better things.

He is trying to buy time. The leak to the New York Times was no accident. It smacks of desperation. But if he has any sense, give him credit for some, it is not the end game. That is the crux of the future of this company.

For Dave to go on US Airways must. His end game, if he wants a future, is to solve this. Closing the doors will not serve Dave well, and looking out for Dave is how he got where he is.
Dog Wonder,

No words better stated on the "character" of Dave.

I couldn't agree or add anything more to what you stated above. You, my friend, are spot on! And that is why I think, the leak was deliberate and perpetrated by none other than CCY. Not many will be able to "see the forest thru the trees" on this one.
I am wondering if this asset selloff is genuine.

If so, what purpose would the company have to leak this to the New York Times...

Why wouldn't they just pursue offers privately in avaition/finiancial venues without the negative publicity? Seems like most announcements are made on deals after there is some sort of an agreement with an interested buyer...What do you think?
Reservation Agent said:
I am wondering if this asset selloff is genuine.

If so, what purpose would the company have to leak this to the New York Times...

Why wouldn't they just pursue offers privately in avaition/finiancial venues without the negative publicity? Seems like most announcements are made on deals after there is some sort of an agreement with an interested buyer...What do you think?

You raise a valid point.
I think it is a scare tactic Dave & Co is using to try and force another round of concessions down our throat! Soon to come will be the letter to our home for the family to read telling them about the hardships we will face if U goes under. Talk about a bunch of low life crooks!!! Does anybody think if things were better and we were making money hand over fist with Dave's supposed business plan and the new year came around he would have said "times are good lets forget about the increase in medical premimums effective 1-1-04" I DOUBT IT!!!!!We would have been told you are under contract until 2009!!!!! Same goes for you Dave......Read the IAM contract page 97!!!!!
Theres nothing new here. The same tactics that both unnions and corps use to distract concessions from each oth. In the end unions will give back they will have no choice. No body likes our position however we are faced with todays facts that cant be avoided. I wish all of this energy that so many post on here would be used to better themselves as well as our company. The energy to insure on time performance and proper bag handling. Cleaning planes instead of bashing each other over whos "job" IT IS. Placing blame at this point," which has been the case since 1989", wont help anyof us. If there was ever a time we need to work to gether for a common cause it is now. Regardless of your thoughts and memories of todays ceo or the past, we have the fact today WE ARE IN TROUBLE. Its too late to blame. We have to fix a problem if we intend on being around. Whos fault is that ? WHO CARES. Worry about that later . The difference we have all known for sometime that our employee group is unique. For most of us who have gone through turmoil since 1989, we still are standing. Beaten battered but still standing. Our competition is forming at the mouth hoping this is the end. We go from just weeks ago of talk about buying assets of UAL to now our own assets being sold. Ironic but true. I still have faith all be it smaller in this team. WE HAVE NOCHOICE but to continue and fight for our very economic lives. Lets pull together , concentrate on what we do best and thats running an airline. Let the unions and company play their games and tactics. We have to fight guys no matter what. Step back take a deep breathe, whats at stake here? Your families lives and livelihoods. You as well as i have so much to lose and a ton to gain. This industry is where it is how it is . We cant change that only adapt.
usfliboi said:
Theres nothing new here. The same tactics that both unnions and corps use to distract concessions from each oth. In the end unions will give back they will have no choice. No body likes our position however we are faced with todays facts that cant be avoided. I wish all of this energy that so many post on here would be used to better themselves as well as our company. The energy to insure on time performance and proper bag handling. Cleaning planes instead of bashing each other over whos "job" IT IS. Placing blame at this point," which has been the case since 1989", wont help anyof us. If there was ever a time we need to work to gether for a common cause it is now. Regardless of your thoughts and memories of todays ceo or the past, we have the fact today WE ARE IN TROUBLE. Its too late to blame. We have to fix a problem if we intend on being around. Whos fault is that ? WHO CARES. Worry about that later . The difference we have all known for sometime that our employee group is unique. For most of us who have gone through turmoil since 1989, we still are standing. Beaten battered but still standing. Our competition is forming at the mouth hoping this is the end. We go from just weeks ago of talk about buying assets of UAL to now our own assets being sold. Ironic but true. I still have faith all be it smaller in this team. WE HAVE NOCHOICE but to continue and fight for our very economic lives. Lets pull together , concentrate on what we do best and thats running an airline. Let the unions and company play their games and tactics. We have to fight guys no matter what. Step back take a deep breathe, whats at stake here? Your families lives and livelihoods. You as well as i have so much to lose and a ton to gain. This industry is where it is how it is . We cant change that only adapt.

A ton to gain??????

Dr. Bronner speaks in Business News article: Bronner, who first hinted at such a full-scale appraisal in an interview last month with the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, said his goals are to grow the airline, protect stockholders and ensure that the company's losses and high operating costs do not jeopardize $900 million in government-backed loans.

No where does he mention the employees. His interests are his own. And obviously your interests are his interests.

You must be way up in mangement. Those are who have a ton to gain. (IF) management actually has a "plan", then they need to bring it out to the employees. If the employees want to reopen contracts and give their work rules and/or whatever else is required, then the leadership will have to go to the table. Union leadership are the voice of their members. They represent the majority interest, and that interest is dictated by the members NOT the leadership. Union leaders DO NOT devise business plans, and they don't present business plans. Mangement knows that the rank and file does not trust them. So they want the union leaders to present the plan and promote it by presenting it. That won't happen. Dave needs to go on his road shows as he planned and present the plan. If the majority of members are willing to give more, they will let their leaders no. Period.

A company survives ONLY if the employees in the company can have a livable wage to survive. If they can not, the company will not exist. Corporations are not for the sole purpose of share holders investment or senior mangements wealth. That may be their "interest", but not a company's sole purpose. All must be a part of the equation. Labor can not afford to go broke in order for a company to survive. Otherwise, the "plan" is not viable.

So, you need to go back to your desk and figure it out.
obviously you havent read my post and pick out parts u choose just like you do with this team. Im on the line with you. Based in charlotte and have 16 years with this company and alot to lose and a ton to gain my friend if we succeed. If your gonna comment and insult me please have your facts straight.:) BTW how is it that out of everything i wrote you chose one thing and became negative on it LOL You trip me ! :)
The real issue is how to get more concessions from people who have already lost their pensions, seen the mainline fleet drop by scores of aircraft, watched as nearly half the workforce has been dumped, and seen major portions of their work outsourced. While all this has happened, the company has continued to bleed a million bucks a day. The company's contribution has been to try and squeeze its customers into small planes and force higher fares at its biggest hub. This clever srattegy has managed to attract every low cost guy in the country, like flys to excrement, manifesting itself in lines like AirTran ordering 100 full size aircraft, and Southwest showing up in their living room. Notice, I charitably avoided mentioning the opening shot, when marketing declared war on the company's best customers, declaring them mooches, only to discover that corporate America likes a bargain too.