The Gift


Sep 28, 2003
In July the mechanics and related will celebrate independence times two. They will celebrate the birth of our great nation and they will celebrate a gift they will receive from independent minded individuals who were tenacious enough to win independence from a socialist organization that ruled over us for its profit at our expense and to further its own liberal agenda.

The membership will recieve a gift-control over its own future. We will decide matters for ourselves. No flea bag, hushpuppie wearing New York liberal is going to tell us what to do again, or how to vote again or try to sell us insurance again.

Did your read the article about the TWU officials complaining about shared sacrifice at the AMR share holders meeting?

Have you seen any sacrifice from TWU International Officers in the last year?
(hint: they received raises last year)

When the membership recieves the gift please be careful. Freedom over your own future is a too precious to fritter away.