The GOP has become the stupid party — and proud of it

You know nothing of steel production.....Keep going.
I remember the Republican ads about the rusting abandoned steel plants in Pennsylvania. And then Trump said he brought hundreds of thousands good paying steel jobs back. Must be virtual steel bad. I guess they named their football team after the corporate offices. HOw many mills did they open in Pennsylvania and Ohio?
He couldn't reopen any mills in Pittsburgh, they are all shopping centers or technology sites now.....since sometime in the nineties.

Were lots of mills in Pittsburgh in 1933 when the team was founded.

BTW, you are recycling one of your previous Trump tirades about the mills.
He couldn't reopen any mills in Pittsburgh, they are all shopping centers or technology sites now.....since sometime in the nineties.

Were lots of mills in Pittsburgh in 1933 when the team was founded.

BTW, you are recycling one of your previous Trump tirades about the mills.

So are the steel jobs in the home office? I didn't know we sent those jobs to China.
Any idea what caused the decline in the steel industry?
NOt sure, but I've got a feeling that it's got something to do with either LBJ, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton or Obama.

It has to be since the only other things I can see are increased productivity and outdated equipment. IAnd if that's the case, are we assuming that we created more steel jobs by urging decreases productivity? Where are those steel jobs? More importantly....what do they pay?
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NOt sure, but I've got a feeling that it's got something to do with either LBJ, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton or Obama.

It has to be since the only other things I can see are increased productivity and outdated equipment. IAnd if that's the case, are we assuming that we created more steel jobs by urging decreases productivity? Where are those steel jobs? More importantly....what do they pay?
There are only about four main facilities in the US operated by US Steel these days, Pittsburgh, Birmingham Ala, Gary In and I think one on the left coast...not sure. There aren't many of the 'big boys' left anymore, either. Faced with technology improvements and older mills, many closed for ability to compete and stay profitable. Most of the nations mills were 1930's - 50's vintage that produced WW 1 and 2 steel.
US Steel, for example, had many plants across the country. Technology improvements eliminated most of those plants with the remaining four able to exceed the total output of all the idled ones and eliminating loads of jobs. Now it's mostly specialty steel production with much smaller furnaces, people and output.

There were a bunch of gov't grants and training programs available during the early eighties for retraining. Most of the people I knew took advantage of it, one ending up at USAir....:cool:....You ask where those steel jobs are? Retraining and moving on was the key to surviving steel's demise.

One of the biggest problems the nation's steel industry faced has been from imported, gov't subsidized steel. Hitler, Hirohito and Mussolini go on global bender, we flatten all these countries, and then, the nice guys that we are, rebuild, including steel mills. Many of which had much newer tech. which we provided.

I read US production went up something like 25% under Trump's tariffs and it looks like Biden will continue them. Steel jobs pay around 55K. Some mills benefited, some got hosed under the tariffs. Most were specialty steel.....two got hosed in the surrounding Pittsburgh area. ATL Technologies and what was Sharon Steel. Both had layoffs and unhappy campers. Wanna take a guess where they were buying their steel?

I don't have much sympathy there..

As to what Trump claimed......remember, the Kabul airlift was a resounding success.
I sleep better at night knowing the commander in tweet doesn't have the nuke codes.
Aren't you impressed with the way he kicked the can on North Korea?
His little 'tariff' spat is going to kick us in the a$$ now, you do know that?
Any who, no, not entirely happy with Biden, yet, much better than the Narcissistic, self imposed king of Merika. Trump is and always will be a nutcase.
Just my opinion...
Take Care,
I too sleep better at night, now. Biden has a lot to do to make good on his promises but he is not an incessant liar. He does not continuously insult his base by assuming, correctly, that they are so gullible that he can say and do absolutely anything, and the base will swear to it. Biden does not have Democrats publicly fellating him as Trump does with so many Republicans and with his base. Biden does not drum up ridiculous conspiracy theories daily. He does not openly hate. He does not discriminate endlessly, He does not squirrel away money provided to him by people that truly believed in him, while his contributors continue to look the other way. Trump has created a new brand of stupid and he is killing Democracy, He is still a child. One who never lost a game of Candy Land or Chutes and Ladders, because his foolish parents always told him he won. And to lose the biggest prize he ever momentarily had, in such a spectacular manner, ruined him and almost ruined America, and he is still working hard at doing just that. This loss, the first in his life, allowed him to believe he had the right to call a riot to show everyone just how pissed he was. and bow he has convinced himself, and his base, that there was fraud where there was none! He never learned to lose, although he is truly the biggest loser we have ever had to tolerate in the Oval, bar none!

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