The main reason to support "Enhanced Interrogations"


Apr 18, 2009
Because theres 2974 reasons why...


Its already proven that the coercive interrogation of Abu Zubaydah prevent a second wave attack in Los Angeles.

“He turned out to be incredibly valuable,â€￾ D’Amuro observes. “Abu Zubaydah provided information that helped stop a terrorist attack being planned against the Library Tower and other buildings on the West Coast, the so-called second wave. He provided physical descriptions of the operatives and information on their general location. Based on the information he provided, the operatives were detained, one while traveling to the United States.â€￾

Al Qaeda had set aside some $20,000 to fund the second wave.

Abu Zubaydah also identified Ramzi bin al Shibh, who was captured in Karachi in September 2002. He was a top al Qaeda recruiter and a member of bin Laden’s inner circle. Zubaydah identified him as one of KSM’s accomplices in the 9/11 attacks.

Together, these two terrorists provided information that would help in the planning and execution of the operation that captured Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. If it had not been for coercive interrogation techniques used on Abu Zubaydah, CIA officials suggest, the second wave of attacks might have occurred and KSM could be free and planning more attacks.
I'm sure if Garf's family was in one of those buildings, he'd feel the same way as he does right now ! :down:
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Ah yes, the old end justifies the means argument. Wonder where else that concept can be applied.
Somehow i think the terrorists that were interrogated got off much easier then the victims of 9/11.

So yes the end is justified. All they got was a well deserved dunking and what else? A caterpiller? Oh my, Imagine the horror.

What would you suggest? Tea and crumpets?
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You Can NOT uphold American Ideals by engaging in Un-American activities.
Un-American activities? Are you kidding me?

President Truman sent a clear message at one do not mess with the US cia 2 mushroom clouds.
Is that now "Un-American"???
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Seems like you have lost site on what happen on 9/11 perhaps. Declared war or not, the threat was and still remains. Just as it was in WWII. There were those that were set out for our destruction. They dont care about our values and to ignore it wont make it go away. At least there was someone at the time that had the balls to put a stop to it and make the rest of the world put on notice. You strike us, you will get back some times a million.

And now we are all up in arms about what? A water splash and a caterpillar? If only the victims of 9/11 were given that choice, I think they all would have lined up instead of how they met their fate that day.

BTW, Jesus got treated far worse then being waterboarded my freind. If only he would have been so lucky.
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Also Piney,

Im sure all the innocent victims at Hiroshima and Nagasaki would have easily traded there war leaders and conspirators for some "enhanced interrogations", instead of bearing the full "heat" of Little Boy and Fat Man.
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Flame? I asked some honest questions. Who's liberties have been trampled? You mean Jihadists who are hell bent on our destruction? You give them the same rights we have even tho they would rather see us dead?

Wheres the logic? :blink:
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What does this have to do with Jihadists hell bent on our destruction again? They do not get to enjoy our liberties at the same time trying to kill us. Period!!!
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Thank you Adolf!

Go back and everywhere you used the word jihadist replace it with the word Jews and see how it reads when you do.
For what purpose? Are you saying the Jews were responsible for 9/11?

If we didn't waste Billions on the insane war on drugs we might have enough money to allow the FBI, CIA, NSA etc to do what they do best, interdict and capture suspected terrorists using the rule of law. Then this whole debate would be rendered moot.
"capture suspected terrorists using the rule of law"? Is that supposed to be some sort of a joke?

But that has NOT happened because the government has tapped into our fears and used them to quietly steal oir rights under the guise of security.
Really? So 9/11 was just some government fear tapping? I suppose your one of those 9/11 truthers as well eh? Should have told me and I wouldnt have wasted my breathe. <_<
Piney, give it up. He has no idea what you are talking about.

Bush/Cheney have convinced the public that anything goes to save the kingdom. Hermann Goering was right.
I'm with you. That's why I keep fighting as well. We do not see eye to eye on some things but I think we agree more often than not. On this we definitely agree.

I some times try and quote Pastor Martin Niemöller but people usually do not get that idea either. They always ask what rights I gave up. What people seem to fail to understand is that if one American looses their rights then we all are that much more at risk.

You can try Ben Franklin also but I doubt that will work either.
Un-American activities? Are you kidding me?

President Truman sent a clear message at one do not mess with the US cia 2 mushroom clouds.
Is that now "Un-American"???
That's American all right.

Lower our standards to match those we do not like??? Ask McCain and Stockdale.

Are you kidding?