The "progressive dinner" style of M & A


May 1, 2003
Fast forward to the year 2015:

A press conference ensues...

Q. Mr. Parker, why have you chosen the name Glob for the combination of Northwest, UAL, Delta, US Airways and Mesa?

A. Thank you for asking that question. I believe Glob offers a synergy... sorry - keep using that word - an advantage to the value of the product that allows a significant strategic alliance to provide the consumer with a low cost ticket.

Q. Why the name Glob? Does Glob stand for anything?

A. Thank you for asking that question. Glob stands for Global long range overseas bunch.

Q. Glob is not a recognized brand. Won't that be difficult to market?

A. Thank you for that question. We believe that Glob offers a one word, one syllable marketing stamp that sticks with the consumer.

Q. Do you have a logo in mind for this new name?

A. Thank you for asking that question. Yes, a green amorphous irridescent orb. I believe you can download it... (whispers- is that right?) at
