These Forums In A Nutshell!

Actually, the article is quite good. Thanks for the link. Do not be discouraged at those who reject those labels. They have their own biases. In Artemis Ward, the 19th century humorist once said, "It ain't the things we know that get us in trouble. It's the things we know that ain't so."
Actually, it concerns me that so many people on here--and in one way or another we are all charged with the protection of passenger lives--take the attitude that "my mind is made up. Do not attempt to convince me with facts."
"Top 100 137 “Three Words” Liberals Hate"
  1. A proud American
  2. Acorn voter fraud
  3. Ambassador John Bolton
  4. A fair election
  5. Abortion is murder
  6. America is great
  7. America’s founding fathers
  8. Armed and dangerous
  9. Axis Of Evil
  10. Barack Hussein Obama
  11. Biden press conference
  12. Black conservative republican
  13. Boy Scout troop
  14. Bush won Florida
  15. By the people
  16. Checks and Balances
  17. Chicago tea party
  18. Children need fathers
  19. Climate change hoax
  20. Coal fired plant
  21. Coldest winter ever
  22. Conservative on campus
  23. Conservative talk radio
  24. Contract with America
  25. Dead can’t vote
  26. Drill baby drill
  27. Fair tax now
  28. Fly over country
  29. Fox News Channel
  30. Fox News Ratings
  31. Free market economy
  32. Freedom isn’t free
  33. Freedom of religion
  34. George W. Bush
  35. Get a job
  36. Get my gun
  37. Give me liberty
  38. God bless America
  39. God given rights
  40. God loves you
  41. Guns save lives
  42. Have no fear
  43. Here’s your bill
  44. I love America
  45. I made millions
  46. Increased military spending
  47. It’s my money!
  48. Jesus is coming
  49. Joe the Plumber
  50. Joe Biden Speaks
  51. Judeo Christian nation
  52. Justice Clarence Thomas
  53. Justice is blind
    Let freedom ring
  54. Let us pray
  55. Let voters decide
  56. Liberal media bias
  57. Life from conception
  58. Life isn’t fair
  59. Life, liberty, happiness
  60. Limited federal government
  61. Lock and load
  62. Man and wife
  63. Mandated term limits
  64. Marriage is sacred
  65. Mary Jo Kopecknick
  66. Men only club
  67. Merit based pay
  68. Michael Savage show
  69. Middle American values
  70. Monica’s blue dress
  71. Mr. and Mrs.
  72. Nancy Pelosi Lied
  73. Nation under God
  74. National Rifle Association
  75. Natural born citizenv
  76. No free lunch
  77. Nice fur coat
  78. No more earmarks
  79. No new taxes
  80. Not everyone wins
  81. Nuclear power plant
  82. Obama’s college records
  83. Obama’s half white
  84. Off of welfare
  85. Old fashioned values
  86. Om Kippur war
  87. Original birth certificate
  88. Partial Birth Abortion
  89. Peace through strength
  90. People have spoken
  91. Pledge of Allegiance
  92. Praise the Lord
  93. Private heath insurance
  94. Private property rights
  95. Prop 8 upheld
  96. Respect the constitution
  97. Reverend Jeremiah Wright
  98. Rich white man
  99. Right to cary
  100. Right to life
  101. Right to Secede
  102. Right to work
  103. Rule of law
  104. Rush is right
  105. Sarah Louise Palin
  106. Save the Hummer
  107. Second Amendment Rights
  108. Secret union ballot
  109. Secure the border
  110. Separation of powers
  111. Shave your legs
  112. Shoot to kill
  113. Smith and Wesson
  114. Stop judicial activism
  115. Successful hardworking entrepreneur
  116. Supply & demand
  117. Support our troops
  118. Swift Boat Veterans
  119. Take no prisoners
  120. Tax free cigarettes
  121. Teleprompter is broken
  122. Thank a veteran.
  123. The 10th amendment
  124. The citizen militia
  125. The Reagan Revolution
  126. The Ten Commandments
  127. The tenth amendment
  128. Traditional American family
  129. Two thousand twelve
  130. United States Constitution
  131. United States Marines
  132. Vote only once
  133. War on terror
  134. Well-armed citizenry
  135. Work not welfare
  136. Yes, I can
  137. You’re the father
1. A Socialist wrote the Pledge of Allegiance.2. Jesus healed the sick and helped the poor, for free.3. Joseph McCarthy was an un-American, witch hunting sissy.4. Jefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee were traitors.5. The South lost the Civil War, get over it.6. The Founding Fathers were liberals.7. Fascism is a right-wing trait.8. Sarah Palin is an ugly cow (said to conservative males).9. The Earth is round.10. Reagan raised taxes eleven times as President.11. Reagan legalized abortion as Governor of California.12. Nixon created the Environmental Protection Agency.13. Ronald Reagan supported gun control.14. Global warming is real.15. Republicans hate illegal immigrants, unless they need their lawns mowed or their houses cleaned.16. The military is a government-run institution, so why do Republicans approve the defense budget?17. The Cold War is over and the Soviet Union no longer exists.18. Paying taxes is patriotic.19. Republicans: Peddling the same failed economic policies since 1880.20. The Republican Party began as a liberal party.21. The Presidents’ full name is Barack Hussein Obama and he was born in the United States of America.22. George W. Bush held hands with the King of Saudi Arabia.23. President Obama saved the American auto industry, while Republicans wanted to destroy it.24. Hate is not a Christian virtue.25. Jesus was a liberal.26. Republicans spend MORE money than Democrats.27. Tea parties are for little girls.28. Public schools educate all children; private schools are for indoctrinating children.29. The Constitution is the law, NOT the Bible.30. Sharia law doesn’t exist in America.31. The President is NOT a Muslim.32. Corporations are NOT people. People are people.33. Fox News isn’t real news, it’s just a racist, sexist, hateful, right-wing propaganda machine.34. The Federal Reserve was a Republican idea.35. Women are equal citizens who deserve equal rights.36. Women control their own bodies.37. Abortion is a relevant medical procedure, just ask Rick Santorum.38. Please use spell check.39. It’s “pundit”, not “pundint”.40. Social Security is solvent through 2038.41. Health care is a right, not a product.42. Roe v. Wade was a bipartisan ruling made by a conservative leaning Supreme Court.43. G.O.P also stands for Gross Old Perverts.44. The donkey shouldn’t be the Democratic mascot because Republicans are the real jackasses.45. Barack Obama ordered the killing of Osama Bin Laden. It took him two and half years to do what Bush couldn’t do in eight.46. Waterboarding IS torture.47. 9/11 happened on George W. Bush’s watch, therefore he did NOT keep America safe.48. Republicans invaded Iraq for oil, so Iraq should be allowed to invade Texas to get it back.49. Separation of church and state is in the Constitution, it’s called the First Amendment.50. Muslims are protected by the Constitution, just as much as Christians.51. Barack Obama is the first African-American President, get over it.52. The Oval Office is NOT a “whites only” office.53. America is a nation of immigrants, therefore we are all anchor babies.54. The white race isn’t disappearing, it’s evolving.55. God is a particle.56. Evolution is real.57. The Earth is 4.54 billion years old, not 6,000.58. The Founding Fathers did not free the slaves.59. The Revolution was NOT fought over slavery.60. Paul Revere warned the Americans, NOT the British.61. Federal law trumps state law.62. The Civil War was about slavery, NOT state’s rights.63. Corporations care more about profits than they do about people.64. Getting out of a recession requires government spending.65. Glenn Beck is a nut-job.66. Republicans: Paranoid since 1932.67. Republicans don’t want to pay for your birth control, but they want you to pay for their Viagra.68. Republicans actually NEED Viagra.69. Fox News is owned by an Australian and has a Saudi prince as an investor.70. Republicans complain about immigrants taking American jobs, then freely give American jobs to foreigners overseas.71. Republicans hate communism, so why do they refer to themselves as red states?72. Labor unions built this country.73. Republicans hold America hostage as a political strategy; the temper tantrum throwing kind of political strategy.75. When Republicans see black, they attack.76. Inside every Republican is a Klansman or a Nazi waiting to bloom.77. Republicans only care about children BEFORE they are born.78. Republicans are hypocrites, they’re just too stupid to know it.79. The Christian-Right boycotts movies that have violence, and then promotes guns and insurrection.80. I think therefore I am NOT a Republican.81. Republicans that oppose gay marriage are most likely in the closet themselves.82. Churches should stay out of politics, or be taxed.83. People are too poor to vote Republican.84. Democrats think for themselves, Republicans form think tanks to do it for them.85. Republicans hate education because they couldn’t hack it in school.86. Greed is one of the seven deadly sins and Republicans wallow in it.87. A little socialism on the Left is better than a little fascism on the Right.88. The current corporate tax rate is the lowest in 60 years, so stop whining about it being too high.89. Republicans: Anti-Gay Marriage, Pro-Lesbian sex.90. Republicans: Terrorizing the America people since 1981.91. Republicans have their own terrorists, just look up Timothy McVeigh.92. Republicans love outsourcing, just ask the Chinese Communists.93. The Republican answer to the oil spill was to apologize to BP, a foreign oil company.94. Democrats will be working hard to bring jobs to Americans, while the Republicans tea bag each other in the middle of the aisles.95. Voter disenfranchisement is immoral and un-American, that’s why Republicans do it.96. Republicans would let your house burn down unless you pay them to put it out.97. Democrats want to take care of the sick. Republicans take their credit cards and then deny them medical attention.98. Republicans say teachers are union thugs, then proceed to rape and mug the entire middle class on behalf of corporations.99. Republicans think rape isn’t a crime, but miscarriages are.100. Republicans are idiots and arguing with them is a waste of time.
1. A Socialist wrote the Pledge of Allegiance.2. Jesus healed the sick and helped the poor, for free.3. Joseph McCarthy was an un-American, witch hunting sissy.4. Jefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee were traitors.5. The South lost the Civil War, get over it.6. The Founding Fathers were liberals.7. Fascism is a right-wing trait.8. Sarah Palin is an ugly cow (said to conservative males).9. The Earth is round.10. Reagan raised taxes eleven times as President.11. Reagan legalized abortion as Governor of California.12. Nixon created the Environmental Protection Agency.13. Ronald Reagan supported gun control.14. Global warming is real.15. Republicans hate illegal immigrants, unless they need their lawns mowed or their houses cleaned.16. The military is a government-run institution, so why do Republicans approve the defense budget?17. The Cold War is over and the Soviet Union no longer exists.18. Paying taxes is patriotic.19. Republicans: Peddling the same failed economic policies since 1880.20. The Republican Party began as a liberal party.21. The Presidents' full name is Barack Hussein Obama and he was born in the United States of America.22. George W. Bush held hands with the King of Saudi Arabia.23. President Obama saved the American auto industry, while Republicans wanted to destroy it.24. Hate is not a Christian virtue.25. Jesus was a liberal.26. Republicans spend MORE money than Democrats.27. Tea parties are for little girls.28. Public schools educate all children; private schools are for indoctrinating children.29. The Constitution is the law, NOT the Bible.30. Sharia law doesn't exist in America.31. The President is NOT a Muslim.32. Corporations are NOT people. People are people.33. Fox News isn't real news, it's just a racist, sexist, hateful, right-wing propaganda machine.34. The Federal Reserve was a Republican idea.35. Women are equal citizens who deserve equal rights.36. Women control their own bodies.37. Abortion is a relevant medical procedure, just ask Rick Santorum.38. Please use spell check.39. It's "pundit", not "pundint".40. Social Security is solvent through 2038.41. Health care is a right, not a product.42. Roe v. Wade was a bipartisan ruling made by a conservative leaning Supreme Court.43. G.O.P also stands for Gross Old Perverts.44. The donkey shouldn't be the Democratic mascot because Republicans are the real jackasses.45. Barack Obama ordered the killing of Osama Bin Laden. It took him two and half years to do what Bush couldn't do in eight.46. Waterboarding IS torture.47. 9/11 happened on George W. Bush's watch, therefore he did NOT keep America safe.48. Republicans invaded Iraq for oil, so Iraq should be allowed to invade Texas to get it back.49. Separation of church and state is in the Constitution, it's called the First Amendment.50. Muslims are protected by the Constitution, just as much as Christians.51. Barack Obama is the first African-American President, get over it.52. The Oval Office is NOT a "whites only" office.53. America is a nation of immigrants, therefore we are all anchor babies.54. The white race isn't disappearing, it's evolving.55. God is a particle.56. Evolution is real.57. The Earth is 4.54 billion years old, not 6,000.58. The Founding Fathers did not free the slaves.59. The Revolution was NOT fought over slavery.60. Paul Revere warned the Americans, NOT the British.61. Federal law trumps state law.62. The Civil War was about slavery, NOT state's rights.63. Corporations care more about profits than they do about people.64. Getting out of a recession requires government spending.65. Glenn Beck is a nut-job.66. Republicans: Paranoid since 1932.67. Republicans don't want to pay for your birth control, but they want you to pay for their Viagra.68. Republicans actually NEED Viagra.69. Fox News is owned by an Australian and has a Saudi prince as an investor.70. Republicans complain about immigrants taking American jobs, then freely give American jobs to foreigners overseas.71. Republicans hate communism, so why do they refer to themselves as red states?72. Labor unions built this country.73. Republicans hold America hostage as a political strategy; the temper tantrum throwing kind of political strategy.75. When Republicans see black, they attack.76. Inside every Republican is a Klansman or a Nazi waiting to bloom.77. Republicans only care about children BEFORE they are born.78. Republicans are hypocrites, they're just too stupid to know it.79. The Christian-Right boycotts movies that have violence, and then promotes guns and insurrection.80. I think therefore I am NOT a Republican.81. Republicans that oppose gay marriage are most likely in the closet themselves.82. Churches should stay out of politics, or be taxed.83. People are too poor to vote Republican.84. Democrats think for themselves, Republicans form think tanks to do it for them.85. Republicans hate education because they couldn't hack it in school.86. Greed is one of the seven deadly sins and Republicans wallow in it.87. A little socialism on the Left is better than a little fascism on the Right.88. The current corporate tax rate is the lowest in 60 years, so stop whining about it being too high.89. Republicans: Anti-Gay Marriage, Pro-Lesbian sex.90. Republicans: Terrorizing the America people since 1981.91. Republicans have their own terrorists, just look up Timothy McVeigh.92. Republicans love outsourcing, just ask the Chinese Communists.93. The Republican answer to the oil spill was to apologize to BP, a foreign oil company.94. Democrats will be working hard to bring jobs to Americans, while the Republicans tea bag each other in the middle of the aisles.95. Voter disenfranchisement is immoral and un-American, that's why Republicans do it.96. Republicans would let your house burn down unless you pay them to put it out.97. Democrats want to take care of the sick. Republicans take their credit cards and then deny them medical attention.98. Republicans say teachers are union thugs, then proceed to rape and mug the entire middle class on behalf of corporations.99. Republicans think rape isn't a crime, but miscarriages are.100. Republicans are idiots and arguing with them is a waste of time.
