This Is Embarassing!

And this is the guy people are counting upon to supposedly "defend the standard of our profession"

He just proposed that we turn into airborne skycaps, nice. <_<

Even if he meant it in jest, such remarks only make him look dumb.
OMG...reading what this fool Freshwater said is the the most awful thing I have seen in the press in a long time. He should be absolutely ashamed of himself. The picture with bill attached next to his wing is sickening. Who the hell does this guy think he is? :angry:
In the airlines of the future, airline employees aren't going to be professionals. In fact, I'd argue they're not now and sure aren't considered pros by managements. I don't see anything wrong with tips. Pilots = busdrivers and FAs = waitresses. With the money being paid regional and JetBlew pilots in NYC, go check what bus drivers make for being away from home at work for 40 hours every week vs what a RJ pilot makes for being on call/at work much more than that.

It ain't a profession anymore, folks. It's just a job, so be happy and compliant with what the executive aristocracy happens to throw your way.

Figures you would post that article....I wouldn't expect it from any one else to breed negative thinking and twist it backwards..


Freshwater was trying to make the point that the airline managements are on a race to the bottom, and that they are reducing the professions as if the pilots are not highly skilled professionals.

It is being taken out of context because the starter of the thread is an instigator, and has set the "tone" for the thread as very negative against one pilot.

How I know Fred's thinking and in what context, I spoke with him.

Those who know Lindy's posts, should know what type of employee-negativity against any union leader or labor they spread as typical of their caliber of person.

Just pull their past posts.
It's not possible that Capt. Freshwater was using a "crude" method, to point out the potential $$ CORN-HOLE/ING that brother Bronner has in store for US/Alpa ?????

""If the airline doesn't want to pay us, maybe the passengers will," said Freshwater, chairman of the Pittsburgh pilots union council"

what the heck is being said here? this article stands on its own! ....

what a mess!
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Freshwater was trying to make the point that the airline managements are on a race to the bottom, and that they are reducing the professions as if the pilots are not highly skilled professionals.

It is being taken out of context because the starter of the thread is an instigator, and has set the "tone" for the thread as very negative against one pilot.

1. He could have done it in a more professional, profound manner. He chose to denigrate the profession and the people he represents.

2. He was not taken out of context. The article and the picture speak for itself.

PB, take a ride to Beaver County and poll some people what they thought of the article. I would be surprised if they did not respond to you as many of my friends and associates responded to me: a mindless, sophomoric rant by someone who should know better. It ranks right up there with Siegel and his " Axis of Evil" comment.

Actually, I am quite surprised to see this thread pop-up, but then I saw who started it and it all "clicked".

Poll Beaver County? Why, did you do a poll? Let me guess? Your dept. right?

The only sophmoric mentaility are those who are small minded and shallow in their thought process that can't,for the life of them, see the deeper meaning and point HE HAS MADE.

Many folks I it, including Karen Roman, the writer who I speak to almost on a weekly basis.
PITbull said:
Freshwater was trying to make the point
And so was I with my silly post above...LIGHTEN the hell up everyone before someone has a stroke over something that is out of your hands...

What, you don't like the idea of "tipping"???

Can't write that off, huh? :lol: B)
What this idiot doesn't realize is That the passengers already pay for his services.Also what he refuses to come to grips with is those same passengers aren't willing to pay what they used to.They won't pay what they used to because they don't have to.

So Freddy that's reality and all your whining isn't going change it.
