Trump heads towards the nomination, While 'HILL heads to the WHITE HOUSE !

Aug 20, 2002
And to think that I Foolishly thought that the TEA POTTY was the Greatest thing EVER for us Democrats .
The GIFT, That ALWAYS Keeps on GIVING !
Don't roll out that WELCOME BACK mat just yet, 700. Face reality, just as many GOPers won't vote for Trump, there are many, many, many, many libtard demorats that will never vote for Hillary. 
I couldn't care less who wins, because either way, all great empires come to an end. Kruschcev hit the nail on the head it just took close to 60 years.
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
Well  dell, truth-be-told, lets see who gets more votes in PA.
I say  'HILL gets more votes in PA. than does T-Rump.
What say you, old friend  ?
not exactly a true comparison given independents are not allowed to vote in Pa. primaries
Nate Silver over at 538 is still predicting Trump comes up short.

Quote on the page:

We think Trump will fare best in states and congressional districts with small shares of college graduates. His ideal path would depend on a broad coalition of Southern, Midwestern and industrial Northeastern states.
Opinion... this is just one step removed from President Camacho....
This indie registered with a party affiliation just to be able to vote in the primary.

Then again, that's what informed and engaged voters do.
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eolesen said:
This indie registered with a party affiliation just to be able to vote in the primary.

Then again, that's what informed and engaged voters do.
Well Eric,.....Just when I think you're a CRUZ guy, I then think that you're a Kasich guy
Walker was my guy until he dropped out.

I'll vote for the nominee, whoever that is because it's all about keeping Hillary out of the White House.

That's if she's not sent to the Big House first.
eolesen said:
This indie registered with a party affiliation just to be able to vote in the primary.

Then again, that's what informed and engaged voters do.
Did you notice all the hoopla in the media over GOP voter registrations being up?  They squawked here in Pa in amazement.... I don't think they realized at first it was a lot of indies wanting to vote by party.
eolesen said:
Walker was my guy until he dropped out.

I'll vote for the nominee, whoever that is because it's all about keeping Hillary out of the White House.

That's if she's not sent to the Big House first.
eolesen said:
Walker was my guy until he dropped out.

I'll vote for the nominee, whoever that is because it's all about keeping Hillary out of the White House.

That's if she's not sent to the Big House first.
Oh so true. That is why she has to win the Presidency because you can't just arrest a president during their swearing in, otherwise how will the world view us??? The FBI is waiting to pounce on her and Huma Abedin. I just don't get it but it has to do with Benghazi, the Muslim Brotherhood, her husband being Weiner who, not that there is anything wrong with it, is Jewish, and a whole bunch of mind-boggling hell-in-a-handbasket mentality.
I'll be honest with you...
Regardless, let me repeat that because it is IMPORTANT, REGARDLESS who wins, we're doomed. 
Think about it!
This might finally prove that The United States of America is a Republic, not a Democracy. It's kind of like those who have no accounting skills believe that credit is better than debit. I lived in a UR-A-PEON Republic, and the people don't vote or elect a president. 
In college I was shocked and surprised when my history instructor told the class that the ELECTORAL COLLEGE elects the president, not the people. The EC doesn't have to cast its votes based on the majority. You count, but you really don't. So was my liberal professor lying to me?
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signals said:
Oh so true. That is why she has to win the Presidency because you can't just arrest a president during their swearing in, otherwise how will the world view us??? The FBI is waiting to pounce on her and Huma Abedin. I just don't get it but it has to do with Benghazi, the Muslim Brotherhood, her husband being Weiner who, not that there is anything wrong with it, is Jewish, and a whole bunch of mind-boggling hell-in-a-handbasket mentality.
I'll be honest with you...
Regardless, let me repeat that because it is IMPORTANT, REGARDLESS who wins, we're doomed. 
Think about it!
This might finally prove that The United States of America is a Republic, not a Democracy. It's kind of like those who have no accounting skills believe that credit is better than debit. I lived in a UR-A-PEON Republic, and the people don't vote or elect a president. 
In college I was shocked and surprised when my history instructor told the class that the ELECTORAL COLLEGE elects the president, not the people. The EC doesn't have to cast its votes based on the majority. You count, but you really don't. So was my liberal professor lying to me?
There is a LOT of truth in your post(s),  signals !
I can't prove that our constitution was written by our framers, who were under a LOT of heavy influence by Capitalists(in the background), OR if the country in a relatively short period of time afterward became overtaken by the F'n capitalists.  All I do know is, that this country NOW, is and forever will be controlled by Capitalists (at ANY COST) !
I wish like HELLL that I could live out my days in Norway, where the ONLY thing Norway doesn't have that the USA has, is a US (like) military.
For how ever many babies that are born in the US  today, I feel SORRY for the majority of them going forward, even if the majority is only 51%.