TWU/IAM Tranfers Before JCBA


Aug 20, 2002
If a TWU member transfers to an IAM station before a JCBA is ratified, 
1: Will that TWU member qualify under the same provisions as his new IAM brothers and sisters?
     Salary and Benefits ( exp Retiree Medical)
2: Will an IAM member lose his or her benefits under the same provisions as his new TWU brothers and sisters?
     ( exp Losing Vacation, Holidays, Retiree Medical etc...)
They can't transfer to a PMUS position, they can only transfer to an PMAA TWU job.

The groups won't be merger nor working under a JCBA until its negotiatied and ratified.

Quite simple to figure out

Everything is status quo until a JCBA is ratified.
Buck said:
If a TWU member transfers to an IAM station before a JCBA is ratified, 
1: Will that TWU member qualify under the same provisions as his new IAM brothers and sisters?
     Salary and Benefits ( exp Retiree Medical)
2: Will an IAM member lose his or her benefits under the same provisions as his new TWU brothers and sisters?
     ( exp Losing Vacation, Holidays, Retiree Medical etc...)
700 has no Idea what he/she speaks of.
Under the current policy, those who have been displaced have the option to have "referential hiring status". The individual would be allowed to return to the city they were displaced from only as a part-timer and be placed on the bottom in seniority, loose all accrued vacation, and have no guarantee the individual's former status will be restored. The only bright spot is they get to keep their pay. 
bob@las-AA said:
700 has no Idea what he/she speaks of.
Under the current policy, those who have been displaced have the option to have "referential hiring status". The individual would be allowed to return to the city they were displaced from only as a part-timer and be placed on the bottom in seniority, loose all accrued vacation, and have no guarantee the individual's former status will be restored. The only bright spot is they get to keep their pay. 
You are mixing apples and oranges. The question was transfer, not layoff. Under the transfer scenario that Buck posed, 700UW is correct.
If someone in like Phoenix get laid off from AA and the USAir side has openings available, Bob is correct.
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Slopoke said:
You are mixing apples and oranges. The question was transfer, not layoff. Under the transfer scenario that Buck posed, 700UW is correct.
If someone in like Phoenix get laid off from AA and the USAir side has openings available, Bob is correct.
Yes, I am actually speaking of being moved for whatever reason from union to union stations.
Buck said:
Yes, I am actually speaking of being moved for whatever reason from union to union stations.
Layoff or voluntary transfer? It makes a big difference.
Slopoke said:
You are mixing apples and oranges. The question was transfer, not layoff. Under the transfer scenario that Buck posed, 700UW is correct.
If someone in like Phoenix get laid off from AA and the USAir side has openings available, Bob is correct.Sorry 
Let me reiterate, this was offered to all that were laid-off  or displaced from a city once occupied by the TWU. But the time to do that has passed, so this is all for not.
Just more and more differences in the 2 contracts that you all will have to decide on which one you all will live with. Another major difference and yet another holding pattern for the JCBA to come into effect...