Union Leader Defends Tough Stance

God Bless Freshwater and the PHL reps for their integrity, resiliance, persistance to ensure that this managment negotiates concensual agreements and in "good faith" and that just presenting "anything" will not fly.

All groups will reach this point, hopefully, ALPA's hard stance position will lessen the burden for other union leaders in these negotiations in THEIR attempts to secure better deals for their people.
i thought that may be the IAM's no talking to mgmt would help but may be it will be Freshwater that will help to convince the ch11 judge that this mgmt is very much inept and unwilling to sacrifice anything the way the rest of us the employees have been.
"All groups will reach this point, hopefully, ALPA's hard stance position will lessen the burden for other union leaders in these negotiations in THEIR attempts to secure better deals for their people. " --- Hmmm did I miss something here---this isnt ALPA's hard stance here---this is the RC4 boys hard stance---put it to a membership vote then it will be ALPA's stance-----the last time these dudes couldnt agree on something and was sent out for a vote it passed I think 78% to 22% or somewhere close to that---but dont put a ALPA label on the RC4's dealings. My .02 $
Unbelievable - the guy admits that the pilots will probably end up worse off with a contract crafted in bankruptcy and yet he stalls every effort to allow US ALPA to ratify a decent contract outside of Chapter 11. I guess he just doesn't understand that pride doesn't put his airplane in the sky - payments to creditors and lessors do, and US will have to default on said payments as early as tomorrow.
ITRADE said:
Morons, all of them.

Maybe Teddy can serve me up some coffee at waffle house when I come through PIT next month.

mo·ron (môrÆon, m$rÆ-), n.
1. a person who is notably stupid or lacking in good judgment.
2. Psychol. a person of borderline intelligence in a former classification of mental retardation, having an intelligence quotient of 50 to 69. Cf. feeble-minded.
[1905–10, Amer.; < Gk m$rón, neut. of m$rós foolish, dull]
—mo·ron·ic (mà ronÆik), adj.
—mo·ronÆi·cal·ly, adv.
—moÆron·ism, mo·ron·i·ty (mà ronÆi t"), n.

Yes, I think that is fitting.
Gee, what door is the moron behind?

Behind Door Number 1 *** The RC4 who are negotiating by the book on behalf of ALPA membership at US Airways.

Behind Door Number 2 *** The other pilot group who has chosen to negotiate on behalf of the company and wants to change the rules.

I dunno, but I'll take Door Number 1 for being smart and Door Number 2 for Moron.
Just curious,

I know furloughs can be made "out of senority", and based upon aircraft type without a viable contract. But can the furlough be made just by the base...?

Since it is no big secret that PIT is on the chopping block, I am just trying to get a rough idea of how soon I can expect to be furloughed.

I guess it is uncharted waters.. :unsure:
Rico said:
Just curious,

I know furloughs can be made "out of senority", and based upon aircraft type without a viable contract. But can the furlough be made just by the base...?

Since it is no big secret that PIT is on the chopping block, I am just trying to get a rough idea of how soon I can expect to be furloughed.

I guess it is uncharted waters.. :unsure:

Let me guess where you got your info/fabrication that furloughs can be out of seniority.......
Bill Pollock, chairman of the pilots' executive council, said Freshwater lacks the courage to present a concessionary contract to members. Charlotte local leader Mike Cross said Freshwater mistakenly assumes that pilots can get a better deal in bankruptcy court.

"I don't think that's in the best interest of the pilots or their families," Cross said. "I got an e-mail from a Charlotte pilot I've never met. He said `Do the best you can. I have a wife and two kids, one in a wheelchair, and I need this job.' That's who I'm fighting for."

USA320Pilot comments: Pollock has it right and Freshwater knows there will be a worse deal in court, but he does not have the courage to cut a deal. He failed and Mike Cross' constituent will pay, especially his children due to the RC4 who are morons.

Separately, ALPA's advisors told the MEC that in bankruptcy court the company could seek to abrogate the entire contract, which could mean furloughs out of seniority and when the judge says, "motion granted", it's history. PITBull, you could see your self furloughed too.


PITbull said:
Let me guess where you got your info/fabrication that furloughs can be out of seniority.......

Yes, that is an easy thing to figure out.

This incessant fear mongering that "We must get an agreement before we go into bankruptcy" is simply ludicrous.

The pilots HAVE an agreement/contract. And IF the judge decides that it is necessary to amend it while in bankruptcy, the current contract goes back into effect if the company emerges from bankruptcy.

There is no confusion. The pilots cannot prevent bankruptcy. The company is simply trying to decimate the contract that is currently in place so that when the company emerges from bankruptcy (uhh... maybe) then they will have a Mesa style contract (that pilots agreed to now) with Mainline type ticket prices.

If given this golden opportunity, I have no doubt that they will choose to lengthen their yachts with the cash windfall rather than pass along the savings to the customer, stock holder, or creditors.
USA320Pilot said:
Bill Pollock, chairman of the pilots' executive council, said Freshwater lacks the courage to present a concessionary contract to members. Charlotte local leader Mike Cross said Freshwater mistakenly assumes that pilots can get a better deal in bankruptcy court.

"I don't think that's in the best interest of the pilots or their families," Cross said. "I got an e-mail from a Charlotte pilot I've never met. He said `Do the best you can. I have a wife and two kids, one in a wheelchair, and I need this job.' That's who I'm fighting for."

USA320Pilot comments: Pollock has it right and Freshwater knows there will be a worse deal in court, but he does not have the courage to cut a deal. He failed and Mike Cross' constituent will pay, especially his children due to the RC4 who are morons.

Separately, ALPA's advisors told the MEC that in bankruptcy court the company could seek to abrogate the entire contract, which could mean furloughs out of seniority and when the judge says, "motion granted", it's history. PITBull, you could see your self furloughed too.



LOL...ok, USA320, whatever you say....I don't want to upset you anymore than you are....its not worth it. :D

I think the logical thing here though is that I could find myself "displaced"....now that would be more realistic, my friend. My seniority is about in the middle in PIT, so I could be shipped somewhere else.

Can't wait...stir up some grief in a new base.... :up: