Video Killed the Radio Star.


May 8, 2007
I love that song, old eighties toon. But seriously, our video systems on the aircraft have become a complete joke!!! The fleet, especially on the West is hurting bad. I haven't got on ONE a/c yet where there aren't static radio channels, some work, others no sound. Screens out on one side, intermident on others. This has become a major inconvience to the pax's. If we can't fix the problems in a timely matter then just pull out all video systems period!!!! I am sick of the poor maintenace on all of the video equipment. Either our mechanics don't have the proper tools to fix them, or we need a contract company back on the premises. Live demo repeatedly on every flight it seems???! I am sure there are major problems on our widebody a/c too out East. This has gotten out of control TEMPE!!! :down: :rolleyes: :(
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Does anyone have a link to that song? Maybe post it for people to listen too? Good for the post. :up: :D
So, how are the East a/c when it comes to the video systems?
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Lest we forget the 2 767's that have had inop economy IFE's since the new LCD's were INSTALLED.... one does not work at all, and one only works on the ground, then cuts off totally when u switch to aircraft power....... (no kidding...) a/c 250 and 251 i believe... gives u lots of time to reflect on the way home from Europe....

They've been written up for something like 13 weeks.....
Lest we forget the 2 767's that have had inop economy IFE's since the new LCD's were INSTALLED.... one does not work at all, and one only works on the ground, then cuts off totally when u switch to aircraft power....... (no kidding...) a/c 250 and 251 i believe... gives u lots of time to reflect on the way home from Europe....

Wasn't there a US Airways Daily last week proclaiming a full day on which the IFE was working an ALL the TATL flights? A cause for celebration!
Just think of all the lost revenue from not selling headsets!

In the words of Steve Tyler, “Just Push Playâ€￾.

The drop down monitors on the 757's have sucked for as long as I can remember. Yet, in all the good times and the bad, they always get pushed off until the next BK when it's not a necessary expense.

Thank God for laptops and portable DVD players.
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I haven't been on ONE Airbus yet, which didn't have some type of audio, or screen problems. Half the time the system in on MEL! :rolleyes: Just rip the systems out if you can't fix them in a timely manner. This is getting quite ridiculous. And please don't blame fuel on this one either! Hire Rockwell back ASAP!!!!!!!! :rolleyes: :)
Lest we forget the 2 767's that have had inop economy IFE's since the new LCD's were INSTALLED.... one does not work at all, and one only works on the ground, then cuts off totally when u switch to aircraft power....... (no kidding...) a/c 250 and 251 i believe... gives u lots of time to reflect on the way home from Europe....

They've been written up for something like 13 weeks.....

250 and 251 were actually the last two a/c to come back from Avborne after mods. They were there forever too! You'd think everything would have been peachy..
Lately, the video system on the 330's has been more problematic. Constant resets, system locking up, you name it. I spoke to one of the video guys that service the system and he said that with the addition of more pax seats that the system is overloaded. To minimize the system locking up, don't turn on the system until the pilots are done doing their checklist. Notice how the airplane power turns off momentarily during boarding(all lights go out sometimes)? That alone locks it up. Also, after takeoff, make sure all your announcements are done before activating the system. Do your level off, landing card, meal service spiel THEN start it up. Just making an announcement can lock up individual seat TV's. On my last trip we had about 15 resets....not too bad.... :blink: