Where is the synergy?

I know it's hard for people to grasp, but this is like any other merger... it takes time to intergrate everything... look how much has been intergrated whether it's gone good or bad it's been slowly intergrated, but it's nearly done minus several and important labor contracts. there saying certificate will still be merged by june 1

Dont think so becasue the Ops intergration will not be done until at least Sept. I believe that is a must before single certificate is granted.
You wont see real synergy until the work for is combined and all labor disputes ironed out.Synergy is only a concept.The concept wont become reality in this case till all energy is directed towards the concept of making this a first class airline.

In other words 2 buckets of sand only make one big bucket,in some cases the smaller bucket may be your advantage if your the one carrying them.

2 100watt lite bulbs add up to 200watts but the candle power may not be as expected......just a thought....aw this is fun. :up: :up: :up:
Where is the synergy?, HP/US
It sure isn’t SHARES. This is a know fact that is being ignore by upper level management just to save the IT department and there wonderful QIK/overlay that they think will work in the future
Synergy? Maybe the year 2030