Where Was This Two Years Ago?


Aug 20, 2002
Got this bulk email today from AA HR. So now instead of walking you out of the building, do they walk you to the Adecco Office?



**** Copied section below *******


American Airlines Human Resources has put several things in place in
our ongoing effort to ease your transition from AA. If you are in need
of employment, there are many companies that are in a position to hire
former AAers, and we hope that some of the resources you'll read about
in this email will help match you with another company.

First, American Airlines has arranged for Adecco, the global leader in
human resources services and staffing, to open job centers on
American's premises in Dallas/Fort Worth and St. Louis where employee
populations are high. The company is offering this service to assist employees
who have been or will be laid off through reductions recently announced
in St. Louis, as well as those who have been impacted by previous
layoffs in Dallas/Fort Worth. Although the centers will be physically located
in these cities, you may still use the services by traveling to these
centers, or by visiting any Adecco location nationwide. You can find a
list of locations by visiting the Adecco Web site at

Adecco is the No. 1 staffing company in the world, serving more than
250,000 clients each day with 5,800 offices in 63 countries. With new job
centers strategically located at the American terminal in St. Louis, as
well as at the company's training center in Fort Worth, you have
convenient access to Adecco for job searches, skill assessments, resume
writing and interview preparation. The job centers have a manager and
professional staff dedicated to matching your skills and talents with an
employer best suited to you.

Second, American and Monster, the leading online global careers Web
site, will launch an AA section on http://www.monster.com to help promote
former AAers to other companies. You can build an online resume or
upload an existing one to Monster's password-protected AA section.
Potential employers nationwide will have a password allowing them to search the
AA section.

Third, American Airlines has negotiated special tuition rates with New
Horizons Computer Learning Centers, a leader in desktop training and
technical certification with more than 270 locations in 54 countries.
New Horizons offers more than 600 different courses in areas including
business skills, desktop applications such as Microsoft Office, graphic
design, technical training and certifications.
Classes are available days, evenings and weekends. If you wish to
enroll for New Horizons classes, you may qualify for state and local
education grants, or special financing available through the National
Emergency Grant Program and American Airlines Federal Credit Union.
Tuition for all classes has been significantly reduced to assist
employees seeking to enhance existing skills or train for a new career.
Information about classes, locations, reduced tuition, educational grants
and financial assistance is available at
https://ces.newhorizons.com/Students/Welcome.cfm. Contact Janna Price
at 972-490-5151 x2218 or email [email protected] for questions, help
and advice on any New Horizons training class.

We wish you much success in your search. You can get ongoing updates
and other valuable information at http://www.aacareers.com/support.
Also, look for frequent email communications from American Airlines Human
Resources Support, updating you with new information as we receive it.

American Airlines Human Resources

Please note - we do not have any information on recalls at this time.
If you have questions regarding benefits, change of address, 401(k), or
employment verification, please call Employee Services at
1-800-447-2000 or email [email protected].