Why revote? The choices are still the same

I am the original Smurfette f/a. I smile and I even carry on conversations with my pax's! I don't think BK is the way to go, but that is out of my hands.
By the way, AA would not even consider you without a 4 year degree or a two year AA degree and another language. They do not claim that on their Quals but that is what we were told in personnel. I volunteered for special assignment recruiting years ago when we used to go city to city doing round ups.
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I have the goat. And I know a couple of Santera's. Now do you have anything against having all the hair shaved off your body and wearing white for a year? Just tell AA it is for religious purposes...Now if we can get Mikey to give up sex for a year, Ican make all the arrangements. I am just la coordinadora here, ok hermana?

You know I have been goofing around on this board on and off all day. It is people like you that make me love this job so much. I really don't see the sense in voting again, it is all I can do not to cry at times.
Easy Ford!

I think you offended AAStew.

We (F/As) as a group are not bad people. I''m sorry you''ve had bad non-rev experiences lately. You wouldn''t on my trip, I don''t bring my drAAma on board.

Did you know that there are bases that don''t really like each other? Big ex. DFW/MIA, two different worlds.

As a non-sequiter (sp?)...a canal in Hialeah has turned RED, they say checking PH levels, I say "Santeria!"

Hey, I live next to Little Haiti, I can find a Voudou priest (a Bocar?)...just need the Santeria and we are set. FA Mikey, AAStew, are you with me? AA MIA does it''s part! The chickens are SCARED.

I''ve seen "The Serpent and the Rainbow", I don''t mess with PAP (one of our most profitable routes).

Hope I gave someone a little laugh!

good luck to us all,


Comprende, mi amor. I am so sad and feel so helpless. I know if we went Chapter 7, the worst thing would be the loss of my real fAAmily.

You really do not want to see this gringa shaved and wearing white!

You may have seen the movie "Elizabeth", trust me, Elizabeth I(First) was NOT Cate Blanchett! She had a harelip (sp?) and no eyebrows! There was a reason she was the "Virgin Queen!"

Interestingly, though, when doing a survey of the greatest British monarchs, they were all women....

Elizabeth I (1)
Elizabeth II

I myself liked the Queen Mum due to her love of Gin and horse races! Not to mention her floppy hats!

Personally, I am scared of Voudou and Santeria but if it will save AA...count me in.

I was laughing so hard my kids came to see what was wrong! Thanks for the laugh coop. I hope no chapter 7, the economy in Miami could not take it. Did you know AA is the largest employer there. BTW I live in DC, I grew up in Miami and ALL my family is still there. I miss it horribly at times and then I come back to my senses. Meet at the Sherry one day and I'll buy you some gin!
On 4/23/2003 10:55:56 AM IFLYAA wrote:

No it isn''t the free trips as I burn most of my miles on your partners. Besides, any AAdvantage award for a ticket isn''t free. The earn rate is higher than most of your published discount fares on a relative basis. If you knew anything about your business and how yields are calculated you would have known this and not made that idiotic statement.

Frequent flyers are not the problem, we are your salvation. But rather than treat us as customers you would prefer to downgrade us and your attitude shows. Airlines serve one purpose and one purpose only to transport people, goods and services from one point to another. While certainly a key component in the economic infrastructure there are choices in the market place. I can elect to fly Southwest for price, convenience and of course their friendly staff (which is not a sarcastic remark but the truth) but give up more room in coach or first class seats and an occassional meal. I have been flying AA for longer than Southwest has been around and have seen the ups and downs.

Over the years the inflight amenities have diminished at the same pace as the flight attendants or stewardesses attitudes have worsened. The point though is that you choose to be a flight attendant or baggage handler or mechanic or pilot, etc. No one forced anyone into that position and no one is making anyone stay. If you can earn more money you would be someplace else. That is the reality. So while you are busy blaming Mr. Carty for all of your problems and will probably be successful in securing his resignation think about what you may end up with. It won''t be Herb who has a non-compete from Southwest. You want Bob. You may get him back. Your current TA''s will look like an endowment package versus what he may require from the unions!

And by the way, when you went on strike in the 90''s who was it that called Clinton and asked for an Executive Order to stop the strike? It wasn''t Bob! It would have fired every striking employee if he could have!

Thanks for the derogatory comment, now I know what kind of person I''m responding to. When I stand in line at the grocery and hear someone say "charge it" because they acquire FF points don''t you think that leaves a lasting impression? FF points are acquired in so many ways anymore that no one believes you when you cause a commotion in First Class and rant about who you are and how much you fly. One way to tell a truly FF from the "others" is the guy/lady with minimum luggage, nicely dressed, says please and thank you and really treats you like a human being...I can assure you..no one rolls their eyes at these fine people. I think the biggest problem is the airline workers feel they are subsidizing alot of people that give back alot of huff and gruff...in other words..they are over it. I am just trying to give you a perspective you may have never considered. Good Flying to you.