Work On Nwa Jets?

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"That is simply your biased opinion. What are you going to do when your union is also busted?"

And your opinions being totally unbiased and objective. If the union gets "busted" it means that I get to take on the resources of an entire corporation by my lonesome. Not a very attractive proposition.

"I am projecting nothing, if someone chooses to carry their dead weight around so be it. I think you would be surprised how subjective some people can be?"

Noticed you totally ignored the fact that is would be impossible for anyone to be totally obective 100% of the time. And yes you are projecting. You seem to think that just becasue you would objective others wold be as well. One would have to be naive or delusional to believe that.

It appears that you have made a bit of a Freudian slip in your last statement. You say I would be suprised how subjective some people can be. Since the definition of subjective is of being affected by ones experiences, pesonal views, relationships or backgound no I would not be suprised.

"I do not go to work to win a popularity contest. It is a job, simple as that. I could care less what anyone thinks of me."

Real easy to say right now is'nt it. Wonder what your view would be if you were actaully put into that situation. I've seen what happens to guys for whatever reason think it's there job to report everyhing to manageemnt. They become lepers, no one wants anything to do with them. You might think of ourself as some sort of tough guy who could handle being ostrracized. Wonder how long that tough guy routine would last.

"There is that possibility, Human factors will be played thats just human nature. These issues will have to be dealt with on an individual basis.

Of course it does, it shows character and dedication. This can be used as a tool for upper management to use for further employee advancements."

Sounds like your parroting some you would hear in a business administration class.

"I am sure some are landing good jobs but I am also sure it does not demonstrate the majority.

I don't know. I never tried, I am a contractor and very comfortable with it. I am already leery of my decision of going direct. I will give it a chance though for this is really a good job. I'm just not sure if this job will fit my lifestyle. I like taking off when I want and working when I want. The number one reason I went direct was because of the flight benefits, if they do not work out for me I will not think twice about rolling my box. The pay is not what attracted me to this job for I would be making the same at any contract paying twenty-two an hour."

So you admit that you have never really tried before NWA getting a position somewhere else. Have to say I find that interesting. I take it by remarks of being leery of your decsion that the honey moon is over. That must mean things are not as you thought they would be.

Taking a job at an airline for the flight benefits is not a very good reason. Tell me, how much vacation time has NWA given you so you can enjoy those travel benefits. There paying you guys $22 an hour? What's the pay scale over there anyway?

"I go get another job. Why do you guys make things so difficult?"

This coming from someone who by his own admission of having never tried. Why am I making things "so difficult"?
"Recall rights makes any company a closed shop, you're just playing with words."

I'm the one playing with words. By definition a closed union shop is one where you have to be a member just to get a job. Therefore by definition an airline witha union representing it's mechanics is not a closed shop. Soory but you are the one "playing with words".

Nothing is stopping you from getting a job with SWA or UPS. Just as nothing would have stoped you from have getting a job with UAL, AA or NWA before the downturn hit.
Please, be sure to keep encouraging PTO to keep posting on the AA forum... maybe it will become more tedious to read as the NWA forum...

The guy's obviously never worked for a Fortune 500 company, an airline, or any other organization worth a used Starbucks cup half full of lukewarm snot-spit. Why bother engaging in useless conversation?....
I'm the one playing with words. By definition a closed union shop is one where you have to be a member just to get a job. Therefore by definition an airline witha union representing it's mechanics is not a closed shop. Soory but you are the one "playing with words".

We understand the definition of a closed shop. How long will it be before AA will be able to hire any new employees?

Nothing is stopping you from getting a job with SWA or UPS. Just as nothing would have stoped you from have getting a job with UAL, AA or NWA before the downturn hit.

As I said before, I am a contractor. I wouldn't be here if I had not come here as a contractor first. I would have had no interest at all in working up here. Nor do I have any interest working for any of the other places you just listed.
And your opinions being totally unbiased and objective. If the union gets "busted" it means that I get to take on the resources of an entire corporation by my lonesome. Not a very attractive proposition.

Yes my opinions are very unbiased and objective.

Why do you guys feel that you have to take on the company? You go to work and you do your job, its very simple.

Noticed you totally ignored the fact that is would be impossible for anyone to be totally obective 100% of the time. And yes you are projecting. You seem to think that just becasue you would objective others wold be as well. One would have to be naive or delusional to believe that.

I didn't realize it needed to be commented on. You act as if unions are 100% objective. Ask TWU Informer and the Princess how objective their beloved union is. I am sure there are many others as well. I do not think that everyone would be objective but I do believe that the majority would be.

It appears that you have made a bit of a Freudian slip in your last statement. You say I would be suprised how subjective some people can be. Since the definition of subjective is of being affected by ones experiences, pesonal views, relationships or backgound no I would not be suprised.

This is good. There is hope for you yet.

Real easy to say right now is'nt it. Wonder what your view would be if you were actaully put into that situation. I've seen what happens to guys for whatever reason think it's there job to report everyhing to manageemnt. They become lepers, no one wants anything to do with them. You might think of ourself as some sort of tough guy who could handle being ostrracized. Wonder how long that tough guy routine would last.

I let a lot of water pass under the bridge before I get annoyed with ones work performance. I am an optimist from hell. When I reach a point that I refuse to work with an individual it is with more than good reason.

Sounds like your parroting some you would hear in a business administration class.

Just stating the facts and suggesting to you how things should work.

So you admit that you have never really tried before NWA getting a position somewhere else. Have to say I find that interesting. I take it by remarks of being leery of your decsion that the honey moon is over. That must mean things are not as you thought they would be.

Was this ever a honeymoon? Me being leery of my employment is due to my own way of life and has nothing to do with Northwest. As a contractor I can take as much time off a year as I want whenever I want. When I say time off I mean weeks and months at a time. I have yet seen a company that will allow this for a direct hired employee.

Taking a job at an airline for the flight benefits is not a very good reason. Tell me, how much vacation time has NWA given you so you can enjoy those travel benefits. There paying you guys $22 an hour? What's the pay scale over there anyway?

In most cases you are probably correct but given the fact that I am not going to bring my family up here means that I will be flying home just about every weekend. Northwest has put a very nice schedule together that was very attractive to me and was one of my decisions for going direct. Time will tell as to whether I made the right decision or not. If this is able to work out that will be great, if not I have nothing to lose.

This coming from someone who by his own admission of having never tried. Why am I making things "so difficult"?

I simply have not had any interest in having a permanent job away from my home. There are people that chase their jobs all over the country and I just do not care for that.
Please, be sure to keep encouraging PTO to keep posting on the AA forum... maybe it will become more tedious to read as the NWA forum...

The guy's obviously never worked for a Fortune 500 company, an airline, or any other organization worth a used Starbucks cup half full of lukewarm snot-spit. Why bother engaging in useless conversation?....

Once again Former ModerAAtor is caught slumming. Are you married Former ModerAAtor? If so, what does your wife think of your insatiable fetish for slumming? I bet that you can be found on any given Friday or Saturday night cruising the crack slums looking for a ten-dollar crack whore.

I might be wrong but I am sure it was you that pointed out that if NWA returned a leased aircraft and did not perform the required work before returning the aircraft to the lease company that it was ok for AA to perform the struck work. For a group of people that has a large distaste for opportunists I would have to say that this is indeed an opportunist at work. If there were a strong union here, at NWA, wouldn't you think they would be making demands on the company for its members to do the work? I think you are a Scab at heart Former ModerAAtor, you just don't want to admit it.
Once again Former ModerAAtor is caught slumming. Are you married Former ModerAAtor? If so, what does your wife think of your insatiable fetish for slumming? I bet that you can be found on any given Friday or Saturday night cruising the crack slums looking for a ten-dollar crack whore.

I think you are a Scab at heart Former ModerAAtor, you just don't want to admit it.

What a significant contribution to the public debate.

I have found that most folks that focus on anothers perceived character flaw, is acutally a person pointing our their own flaws using another person to cover the low self esteem issues within one's self.

In other words, "Look in the Mirror", perform a self inventory and work on your own character flaws instead of focusing on others. You will only recover from your low self esteem using this method. Focusing on others is like using drugs or alcohol to escape reality, and in the end, this only makes matters worse.
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