10 Most Depressed States in the USA

Aug 20, 2002
This from ..health.com.


The 2 others are Nevada(Gambling capital of the World) and Michigan, (the hardest hit financially state).

Anyone see a pattern ?
Well First Off, I'd argue that the 1% ers 'usually' don't get too depressed, and there are 1% ers in all 50 states.

Secondly, what about the 99% ers who are either VOTING REPUG, or are STUCK living in one of those ..RED..states.

How MANY times have I opined that for the life of me, I can't understand why (for example) (caucasian)BILLY-BOB,who works @ walmart and is Scared to DEATH about getting FIRED from his NON-UNION job, or the same for DARLA-MAE who works part time at the local PIG-ILLY WIG-ILLY,have 4 kids and live in a Trailer, continue to vote REPUG ?
(With a TON of 'Help' from thier Evangelical/Pentacostal church, mind you !

BALL don't LIE !
Not quite that simple.

About half of those states are partially located in Appalachia. Those states have a relatively high level of unionism (Coal) and a high level of Government assistance. Using your relatively simplistic logic one could point out that Liberals generally favor nions and government aid and therefore are the cause of the problem.
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Not quite that simple.

About half of those states are partially located in Appalachia. Those states have a relatively high level of unionism (Coal) and a high level of Government assistance. Using your relatively simplistic logic one could point out that Liberals generally favor nions and government aid and therefore are the cause of the problem.

AS USUAL Sparrow,...Spot on !
However, I'd counter with, that most of the good folks that you've mentioned are most likely voting "D", but in the end thier vote can't change those states Blue.
You flunk math and/or geography.



Seems to me that 4 of the 8 states listed by Bears in his first statement is exactly half.

Add in the other two, and it's 40%, which is pretty close to "almost half"
I'll give you four. Never pictured Mississippi as Appalachia.

Or Mississippi and Alabama as having relatively high levels of unionism.
AS USUAL Sparrow,...Spot on !
However, I'd counter with, that most of the good folks that you've mentioned are most likely voting "D", but in the end thier vote can't change those states Blue.

My only point was it's usually not quite as simple as it looks.

West Virginia has been Democrat since I don't remember to further clarify. I mean who can forget the Pope of Pork, Sen Harry Byrd of WV. I'm not a fan of Pork Barrel Spending however in Harry's case he fought mightily day & night to serve his constituents and to elevate their standard of living through Government lagesse. I respect him for his efforts. Sadly it was of little help, just as the stimulus as this time.

Extremely well intentioned programs just don't work. When you give aid to areas you make them dependent upon the source of that aid and not on themselves. The extreme examples of this are the "Cargo Cults" of the South Pacific.

After World War II anthropologists discovered that an unusual religion had developed among the islanders of the South Pacific. It was oriented around the concept of cargo which the islanders perceived as the source of the wealth and power of the Europeans and Americans. This religion, known as the Cargo Cult, held that if the proper ceremonies were performed shipments of riches would be sent from some heavenly place. It was all very logical to the islanders. The islanders saw that they worked hard but were poor whereas the Europeans and Americans did not work but instead wrote things down on paper and in due time a shipment of wonderful things would arrive.

Read more here http://www.sjsu.edu/faculty/watkins/cargocult.htm

There are no easy answers and oe size does not fit all.
I'll give you four. Never pictured Mississippi as Appalachia.

Or Mississippi and Alabama as having relatively high levels of unionism.

MS & AL are very wooded and hilly in the northern counties. Those areas due to some of the facilities in Huntsville and elsewhere do have some organized labor, but nothing like the Northeast I'll grant you that. Thus the phrase relatively high.

Interestingly enough Alabama falls just below Vermont and above Arizona at number 29 for highest percentage of Union Labor. All are right around 10%, slightly below the national average, but 4 to 6 percent more than NC, GA & SC

I was floored that Hawaii was number two.
There's also shipbuilding down near Gulfport and Pascagoula, including a former General Dynamics shipyard which does Navy hulls.
There's also shipbuilding down near Gulfport and Pascagoula, including a former General Dynamics shipyard which does Navy hulls.

Not to far from Bayou La Batrie of Forrest Gump fame!!!

What a hot, smelly place that area between Pascagoula and Gulfport is. A real rat hole. If you've never been keep t that way.
My only point was it's usually not quite as simple as it looks.

West Virginia has been Democrat since I don't remember to further clarify. I mean who can forget the Pope of Pork, Sen Harry Byrd of WV. I'm not a fan of Pork Barrel Spending however in Harry's case he fought mightily day & night to serve his constituents and to elevate their standard of living through Government lagesse. I respect him for his efforts. Sadly it was of little help, just as the stimulus as this time.
Who is Harry Byrd?

That would have been Robert Byrd.

There's also shipbuilding down near Gulfport and Pascagoula, including a former General Dynamics shipyard which does Navy hulls.
Ingalls in Pascagoula is the largest private employer in Mississippi. They are also heavily unionized. It is ok with you to provide government welfare to those union shipbuilders.

Werent you also a big Scott Walker fan?