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" 19 KIDS and Counting.... (err).. T O U C H I N G " !

Aug 20, 2002
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Seems like  JOSH (fingers) DUGGAR (the oldest Duggar son) had a PENCHANT for going  Under the Covers, to 'examine' the ' flower(s) ' of some of his little sisters late at night.
Seems that, once 'exposed'  Big Daddy...... ' JIM BOB ' ...Duggar.........' clamed-up ' for a YEAR before reporting it to the COPS  !!!  ( Maybe..JIMMY BOB and his Wife Michelle were " PRAYING the GAY AWAY ".... oops, I mean " PRAYING the MOLESTATION AWAY ", during this time period.
 ( ' fingers '  ) DUGGAR was seen recently doing a BOOK SIGNING in DCA  on a book he wrote at a " VALUES VOTERS SUMMIT " !
' Fingers ' also had a Cushy Job as a LOBBYIST for  (RIGHT WING NUT) Tony Perkins' FAMILY RESEARCH COUNCIL !   (Rumor has it that our boy TONY PERKINS  threw 'Fingers ' out of a top story Window HEAD FIRST, before you could say  FOX NEWS )  !!!!
Look,  Big Daddy  " JIMMY BOB " doesn't pay a dime in income tax's for obvious reasons, but Boy, he's gonna' miss that TLC payday.....Big Time.  (Then again, he's always got his   $$ Money Machine .... Michelle,   to 'pop out' a few more tax deductions) !!
The story was exposed by............. IN  "TOUCH" magazine.   🙄  🙄
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
Look,  Big Daddy  " JIMMY BOB " doesn't pay a dime in income tax's for obvious reasons, but Boy, he's gonna' miss that TLC payday.....Big Time.  (Then again, he's always got his   $$ Money Machine .... Michelle,   to 'pop out' a few more tax deductions) !!
I would not bring up the word "taxes" being an employee of Amtrak.........
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
I would not bring up the word "taxes" being an employee of Amtrak.........
3/4 of my topic starter, is about.... 'fingers'  Duggar and the F'n HYPOCRACY of this 'band' of Evangelical christians, and YOU sieze upon Amtrak / taxes.
You're  ' ONE  click on the MORON dial '   away from being as DUMB as  'southwind !
Here you go............. do re mi fa so la ti do.
( Your GIFT will appear after the  0:45 second mark )
Seems FRC had no clue either or if they did they were complicit in keeping it quiet.
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
3/4 of my topic starter, is about.... 'fingers'  Duggar and the F'n HYPOCRACY of this 'band' of Evangelical christians, and YOU sieze upon Amtrak / taxes.
3/4 of this "propaganda" had nothing to do with "fingers" Duggar. Instead they used a tragic incident to push liberal agendas, 2:52 (racism) 4:21 (attack on religion) 5:25 (guilt by association on prominent members of the Republican Party) 6:33 (pushing the gay agenda) 8:43 (pushing legalization of marijuana).
You are the fool for even posting this.........liberal commercial........ and trying to pass it off as a news story.
Democrats seem to make a habit of using a tragedy to push their agendas....
Ms Tree said:
Seems FRC had no clue either or if they did they were complicit in keeping it quiet.
TONY PERKINS and his  " F A M I L Y "..research council are Very Well Connected to the christian Evangelical wing of the F'n GOP, which means that  (big) TONY knew,....AND...DAM WELL (that) MIKE HUCKLEBERRY knew.  Huckelberry use to be the GOVERNOR of that ' back water state '  Governors KNOW EVERYTHING that goes on in thier states !!
Well......' Fingers ' and the rest of the DUGGARS just saved (little) RICKY Santorum a TON of money.
Even though Santorum hadn't announced that he's running, I guarantee that NOW he wont be.
With all the Santorum stickers being worn by the Duggars (especially the one plastered on  ' fingers ' chest), they just deflated Santorums presidential BALLOON big time. 
A N D,
You can bet your asss, that the Koch-caine brothers have been in a DEEP huddle for days, making dam well sure about the deepest recess's of any GOP candidates background, before they write any more checks !!
AND (again),
" Cops in THE jurisdiction ordered to DESTROY ALL RECORDS by a JUDGE " !!
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
He learned it from watching Hillary Clinton. 
So tell me,...........TELL US ALL,..........that at this very moment, where ever you may be,...............How it feels (to you) ..KNOWING..Hillary Clinton...will be the Next President of the USA,..........................AND....that the Republican Party will ONCE AGAIN.... F A I L ...to be capable of putting a member of the GOP in the big chain at 1600 Pennsylvania ave   ???????????

