220 Additional pilot retirements by end of October


Feb 24, 2003
I just read on the pilot's website that 220 additional pilots are expected to retire by the end of October. The APA has painted scenarios for them on possibilities with their lump sums should AA file bankruptcy and it isn't pretty.
There is also a big discussion concerning the weinies who are willing to differ their vacations in order to give the company more manning in the next couple of months! Really pilots? What has the company done for you lately? If you differ you deserve everything the other pilots are saying about you!
I just read on the pilot's website that 220 additional pilots are expected to retire by the end of October. The APA has painted scenarios for them on possibilities with their lump sums should AA file bankruptcy and it isn't pretty.
There is also a big discussion concerning the weinies who are willing to differ their vacations in order to give the company more manning in the next couple of months! Really pilots? What has the company done for you lately? If you differ you deserve everything the other pilots are saying about you!

Can you help me out? Where exactly did you read this on the pilot's website.?

I'm having a little difficultyl finding it.
American Asks Pilots to Defer Vacations on Staffing Concern
By Mary Schlangenstein - Sep 7, 2011 4:26 PM ET ) American Airlines asked some pilots to voluntarily delay vacations this month to ensure adequate staffing after more retirements than the carrier expected.
September’s 111 retirements are about 10 times the monthly average over the past year, according to the Allied Pilots Association. Forty-five captains and four first officers who fly Boeing Co. (BA) 777s were among the retirees, the union said in an e- mail to members.
“At this time, we’re pretty confident we can cover the near term,” Missy Cousino, an American spokeswoman, said in an interview. “That’s why we have systems in place like reserves and the ability of pilots to pick up additional time. We’re feeling like we’ll be able to cover it with a buffer.”
Pilots who opt to defer vacations can reschedule the time off later in the year, receive pay for the unused time at the end of 2011 or roll it into 2012, Cousino said today. She couldn’t say how many pilots had responded to the request.
The Fort Worth, Texas-based airline, the third-largest in the U.S., has not asked the union to temporarily waive any contract provisions involving work rules or scheduling, said Sam Mayer, an APA spokesman. American operates 47 Boeing 777s, its largest aircraft.
The larger number of retirements resulted in part from pilots seeking to obtain maximum value for stock in their pension plans, Mayer said.
The plan allows pilots to lock in the share price 60 days prior to retirement, meaning those leaving in September could avoid share declines that occurred in July and August. AMR fell 33 percent during those months, while the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index dropped 7.7 percent.
AMR closed at $7.79 on the last day of 2010. The shares gained 15 cents or 4.5 percent to $3.47 at 4 p.m. today in New York Stock Exchange composite trading.
To contact the reporter on this story: Mary Schlangenstein in Dallas at [email protected]
To contact the editor responsible for this story: Ed Dufner at [email protected]
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Can you help me out? Where exactly did you read this on the pilot's website.?

I'm having a little difficultyl finding it.
One of your pilots showed it to me on something called C&R? Does that sound correct?
One of your pilots showed it to me on something called C&R? Does that sound correct?

Yes, That's what I thought. He shouldn't have shown you it, he's out of line, it's a pilot's forum.

Not slamming you, just the other guy.

Then again, I've heard our Chief Pilots' get a copy of every post made, and if not, could hire Ukranian kid for $50 to copy every post, so I have no illusions that it's a secure forum. :blink:
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Yes, That's what I thought. He shouldn't have shown you it, he's out of line, it's a pilot's forum.

Not slamming you, just the other guy.

Then again, I've heard our Chief Pilots' get a copy of every post made, and if not, could hire Ukranian kid for $50 to copy every post, so I have no illusions that it's a secure forum. :blink:
They were all hot and mad discussing it, the Captain had it up on his laptop/notebook... I didn't read much beyond the thread where they are all talking about further retirees and differing. Though I think as flight attendants we should go on there and see what you write about us. :ph34r: (I scrolled through and yes there are some not so nice opinions as thread titles, but there are assholes in every group so nothing personal, we talk about you guys occasionally too). :p
Hope you are having a peaceful day with your family and loved ones. Trying to block this day and media as much as I can.
Take care.
I am guessing that the number is reasonably accurate, as the number is coming from the flight offices that are keeping close track. The number comes from the number of guys that have their paperwork in and are expected to retire. Make no mistake, the company is watching this like a hawk. They are calling everyone with their papers in asking them if they do indeed intend to bail at the end of the month. Remember, they have to do this because it is a rolling lock-in, so they don't know who will really go at the end of each month. Normally they don't care, but right now that information is critical.

Personally, I think the number will be higher than the 220 they know of so far. The company is already in a bind, and if another 220-300 (most like almost all 767 and 777 captains) go on 10/1, they are going to be in deep, deep trouble.

Of course, the pilots could help them out........for the right price, of course. Industry leading contract, or no relief. It is up to the company.

We shall see what transpires in DCA this week.
It would appear that the company is managing the operation so far, yes?
If problems develop it will be by the end of the month, since presumably reserves will time out... and later in the year if the number of retirees starts snowballing and overall pilots start timing out in flying for the year.
It is also possible that if the numbers grow so large that AA's ability to generate revenue is jeopardized, they might decide a BK filing is necessary to either change the terms of the pilot contract or cut other costs....
I am guessing that the number is reasonably accurate, as the number is coming from the flight offices that are keeping close track. The number comes from the number of guys that have their paperwork in and are expected to retire. Make no mistake, the company is watching this like a hawk. They are calling everyone with their papers in asking them if they do indeed intend to bail at the end of the month. Remember, they have to do this because it is a rolling lock-in, so they don't know who will really go at the end of each month. Normally they don't care, but right now that information is critical.

Personally, I think the number will be higher than the 220 they know of so far. The company is already in a bind, and if another 220-300 (most like almost all 767 and 777 captains) go on 10/1, they are going to be in deep, deep trouble.

Of course, the pilots could help them out........for the right price, of course. Industry leading contract, or no relief. It is up to the company.

We shall see what transpires in DCA this week.
I guess that is one of the benefits of having your top leaders elected instead of appointed. They put your interests first and don't tell you to put things in your rear view mirror and do what is best for the company. In response to the mechanics shortage, instead of pressuring the company we eliminated the experience requirements for upgrades into line maintenance and later told the FAA that we support the airlines in opposition to duty time limits! Recently they put out a letter telling the guys to not work by the book.
I guess that is one of the benefits of having your top leaders elected instead of appointed. They put your interests first and don't tell you to put things in your rear view mirror and do what is best for the company. In response to the mechanics shortage, instead of pressuring the company we eliminated the experience requirements for upgrades into line maintenance and later told the FAA that we support the airlines in opposition to duty time limits! Recently they put out a letter telling the guys to not work by the book.

Work to rule is so effective. It is the one place you cannot be fired as the company wrote the rules.
Work to rule is so effective. It is the one place you cannot be fired as the company wrote the rules.

Maybe, but you might want to look at the statistics USAirway's was able to compile regarding the East pilots...
In as much as arbitration is guided by prior decisions to the extent that judicial decisions: one would have to read the decision of the arbitrar in AMR v. TWU Kreuze to understand that prior arbitrars have determined any discrepancy brought to light by any Pilot or AMT must be addressed appropriately unless the issues in question can be shown to be without merit.

The question of whether the items brought to light were prioritzed with respect to grounding the aircraft versus delayimg flight for a proper deferral were dealt with by the arbitrars refusal to require back-pay in that case.

The Us Air Pilots Union need only ask the TWU ATD or Atty. Art Luby for the decision in the case.
I just read on the pilot's website that 220 additional pilots are expected to retire by the end of October. The APA has painted scenarios for them on possibilities with their lump sums should AA file bankruptcy and it isn't pretty.
There is also a big discussion concerning the weinies who are willing to differ their vacations in order to give the company more manning in the next couple of months! Really pilots? What has the company done for you lately? If you differ you deserve everything the other pilots are saying about you!

Now that's a great mentality. Let's screw the company any way we can, just because we can!

It is "thinking" like this (on both sides) that has put us in our current situation. Talk about time for a fresh perspective on this stuff...