30 Inches of Snow in Washington!


Jan 10, 2010
These people never stop losing their minds. There is thirty inches of snow in Washington, DC. and in the area of Macon, Georgia, an area that the global warming scientists have long time predicted would become a desert, they received 24 inches of rain surplus in the past 365 days.

So we all know what this all means? We need a new federal agency to study and report on the changing climate!


Commerce Secretary Gary Locke and Jane Lubchenco, head of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, announced NOAA will set up the new Climate Service to operate in tandem with NOAA’s National Weather Service and National Ocean Service.

“Whether we like it or not, climate change represents a real threat,” Locke said Monday at a news conference.

Lubchenco added, “Climate change is real, it’s happening now.” She said climate information is vital to the wind power industry, coastal community planning, fishermen and fishery managers, farmers and public health officials.

Global warming is now tossed out for the new catch phrase "Climate Change"

Did they forget that the climate always changes? Remember 1993? ie: "Storm of the century"

Did they forget about the The Blizzard of 1888 ie: "The Great White Hurricane"?
Did they forget about in 1922, a blizzard covered Washington D. C. with over two feet of snow. ie: "Knickerbocker Storm"
Did they forget about the storm that hit the Midwest in 1940, and caught the entire region off guard. with two feet of snow and freezing precipitation> ie: "The fearsome Armistice Day Blizzard"
Did they forget about the "Blizzard of 1978: was as bad as it gets in many northeastern states, with some receiving over fifty inches of snow?
Source: http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/1...ted_states.html
Global warming is not the same as global temperatures. The GW argument is about what is causing the warming. Taking a snap shot of a few years does not establish a trend.
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Global warming is not the same as global temperatures. The GW argument is about what is causing the warming. Taking a snap shot of a few years does not establish a trend.
Agreed! Thats what exactly Michael Mann did, took a snapshot of a few years and called it science. Fortunately him and the whole GW theory was been exposed as a fraud. http://tinyurl.com/yj6hmog
These people never stop losing their minds. There is thirty inches of snow in Washington, DC. and in the area of Macon, Georgia, an area that the global warming scientists have long time predicted would become a desert, they received 24 inches of rain surplus in the past 365 days.

So we all know what this all means? We need a new federal agency to study and report on the changing climate!


Commerce Secretary Gary Locke and Jane Lubchenco, head of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, announced NOAA will set up the new Climate Service to operate in tandem with NOAA’s National Weather Service and National Ocean Service.

“Whether we like it or not, climate change represents a real threat,â€￾ Locke said Monday at a news conference.

Lubchenco added, “Climate change is real, it’s happening now.â€￾ She said climate information is vital to the wind power industry, coastal community planning, fishermen and fishery managers, farmers and public health officials.

Global warming is now tossed out for the new catch phrase "Climate Change"

Did they forget that the climate always changes? Remember 1993? ie: "Storm of the century"

Did they forget about the The Blizzard of 1888 ie: "The Great White Hurricane"?
Did they forget about in 1922, a blizzard covered Washington D. C. with over two feet of snow. ie: "Knickerbocker Storm"
Did they forget about the storm that hit the Midwest in 1940, and caught the entire region off guard. with two feet of snow and freezing precipitation> ie: "The fearsome Armistice Day Blizzard"
Did they forget about the "Blizzard of 1978: was as bad as it gets in many northeastern states, with some receiving over fifty inches of snow?
Source: http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/1...ted_states.html

Get your facts straight..."Bud" (Not that your seem to worry about such things) :wacko:
I LIVED through the Blizzard of "78" !!!

NO ONE got..." 5 0 " inches of snow !!
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Get your facts straight..."Bud" (Not that your seem to worry about such things) :wacko:
I LIVED through the Blizzard of "78" !!!

NO ONE got..." 5 0 " inches of snow !!

Get your facts straight...Bud

Snowfall Totals
State.....City/location.........Amount (inches)
OH....... Dayton.................12.2
MI....... Detroit.................8.2
MI....... Flint.....................9.9
MI....... Grand Rapids.......19.2
MI....... Houghton Lake.....15.4
IN....... Indianapolis.........15.5
IN....... South Bend..........36.0
MI....... Lansing...............19.3
MI....... Traverse City.......22-28
IL.......Chicago, Illinois..........58-60
Get your facts straight...Bud

Snowfall Totals
State.....City/location.........Amount (inches)
OH....... Dayton.................12.2
MI....... Detroit.................8.2
MI....... Flint.....................9.9
MI....... Grand Rapids.......19.2
MI....... Houghton Lake.....15.4
IN....... Indianapolis.........15.5
IN....... South Bend..........36.0
MI....... Lansing...............19.3
MI....... Traverse City.......22-28
IL.......Chicago, Illinois..........58-60

The former "Sweet Thang" still resides in Muskegon and they most assuredly had an official snow fall of 52".

What we do seem to able to pinpoint with some degree of certainty is that the overal temperature is climbing.

After that the waters get a bit murky. There can be many seperate and individual culprits that account for the rise in temperature. Sun spot activity, the distance between the Earth and sun are but 2 potential reasons. Green house gases no doubt contribute but to what extent?

Sadly what is see is a politicalization of science by those with specifc agendas
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What the NOAA Isn’t Saying About Snow and Ice:

The data shows unequivocally that snow is coming earlier and heavier than it used to. Perhaps the snow season is shifting, rather than shortening? NOAA’s failure to mention this is negligent at best.

As far as their claim of “extended ice free seasons” goes, Roger Pielke Sr. has reported :

The finding in this data is that there is no clear evidence of a delay in the start of the later summer/early fall freeze up or [an earlier] start of the late winter/early spring melt despite the well below average areal sea ice coverage.

So why isn’t NOAA highlighting the other half of the story?

Link to Rutgers University data: http://tinyurl.com/ybhfjqx
Global warming is not the same as global temperatures. The GW argument is about what is causing the warming. Taking a snap shot of a few years does not establish a trend.

My bet would be that the sun is the cause of global warming. What's there to argue about?
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Haven't heard Gore runnin' his Pie-Hole lately. Must be buried under all that snow in D.C. ! :shock: