A Serious question. Is Trump Delusional ? ?

Where have I attacked a supporter of the dear leader, other than to say that they will be surprised when they see what he has in store for the middle class?

try thinking outside this forum and it's ten or so active users for a change

btw does this plane go to paris or whatever your name is it's pretty safe to say the ones who regularly posts here much cares what you agree with or don't.
I may disagree with KC but I don't give him a red mark like a 5 year old gtfu
try thinking outside this forum and it's ten or so active users for a change

btw does this plane go to paris or whatever your name is it's pretty safe to say the ones who regularly posts here much cares what you agree with or don't.
I may disagree with KC but I don't give him a red mark like a 5 year old gtfu
I AM thinking outside this forum. If the "libtard" users on this board are trying to get people to better understand why the dear leader is the greatest thing since sex, calling anyone who attempts to even discuss it "libtard" isn't going to help.

I have some dear friends who are supporters of the dear leader and who are quite conservative. She's pretty active on facebook and had several very negative comments about liberals, ala libtard. She also has her own business. I sent her a private message and asked her if she would turn away business from a liberal....because many of her posts were doing just that. And I pointed to the "libtard" and "snowflake" memes she would repost. She doesn't call me a tard personally - but the point is clear about her feelings on liberals in general, but I very politely tried to tell her the impact this might have on someone who is considering using her businss.

Compare that to my very liberal ex wife. She is a realtor and does a lot of 'marketing' via her facebook page. There isn't a single political post on her page. She won't even "like" a politically charged post. To her, money is money, whether it comes from a liberal or a conservative. She's not trashing parks...she's not burning down buildings...she's just carrying on. But SHE gets lumped into the "libtard" group that doesn't post on these boards. But posts implying that she is a "tard" or "snowflake" because she doesn't embrace the occupant of the white house.

Now....here's the thing - our mutual friend who is very anti liberal runs a marketing support type of company....the type of things my ex would use in HER business. But based on Facebook posts, she doesn't. People say Obama divided this country, but Obama didn't make our friend post all this anti liberal bull crap. Obama didn't make her post that liberalism is a mental disorder. Obama didn't make her cite Ann Coulter or Ted Nugent in liberal bashing. And it cost her business. My ex is willing to sell a house to someone with a car festooned with "Make America Great Again" on Monday and turn around and sell a house to someone with a Coexist, Bernie, Hillary, and Impeach the dear leader (cannot bring myself to type his name) on Tuesday.

That's the thing about these boards. I TRY to point out what I feel is a flaw in the president and his behaviour. I have said (and believe) that he is mentally unstable. I said that I believe his policies are going to hurt the middle class. I am very critical of the man and his policies. But I try to be respectful of the people I am trying to debate. And the typical response calls me or anybody who thinks like me a libtard.. And someone calls me out when I post the single word "tard". I hate to have to clarify but by posting tard, I am posting the only thing I got out of that post. Try some other words like "I disagree because". But they never do. It's straight to tardville.

As for red X's...if I had a nickle for every red X I have received, I would be rich. I could have bought a new car from The X's from DNTULSA alone.
I AM thinking outside this forum. If the "libtard" users on this board are trying to get people to better understand why the dear leader is the greatest thing since sex, calling anyone who attempts to even discuss it "libtard" isn't going to help.

I have some dear friends who are supporters of the dear leader and who are quite conservative. She's pretty active on facebook and had several very negative comments about liberals, ala libtard. She also has her own business. I sent her a private message and asked her if she would turn away business from a liberal....because many of her posts were doing just that. And I pointed to the "libtard" and "snowflake" memes she would repost. She doesn't call me a tard personally - but the point is clear about her feelings on liberals in general, but I very politely tried to tell her the impact this might have on someone who is considering using her businss.

Compare that to my very liberal ex wife. She is a realtor and does a lot of 'marketing' via her facebook page. There isn't a single political post on her page. She won't even "like" a politically charged post. To her, money is money, whether it comes from a liberal or a conservative. She's not trashing parks...she's not burning down buildings...she's just carrying on. But SHE gets lumped into the "libtard" group that doesn't post on these boards. But posts implying that she is a "tard" or "snowflake" because she doesn't embrace the occupant of the white house.

Now....here's the thing - our mutual friend who is very anti liberal runs a marketing support type of company....the type of things my ex would use in HER business. But based on Facebook posts, she doesn't. People say Obama divided this country, but Obama didn't make our friend post all this anti liberal bull crap. Obama didn't make her post that liberalism is a mental disorder. Obama didn't make her cite Ann Coulter or Ted Nugent in liberal bashing. And it cost her business. My ex is willing to sell a house to someone with a car festooned with "Make America Great Again" on Monday and turn around and sell a house to someone with a Coexist, Bernie, Hillary, and Impeach the dear leader (cannot bring myself to type his name) on Tuesday.

That's the thing about these boards. I TRY to point out what I feel is a flaw in the president and his behaviour. I have said (and believe) that he is mentally unstable. I said that I believe his policies are going to hurt the middle class. I am very critical of the man and his policies. But I try to be respectful of the people I am trying to debate. And the typical response calls me or anybody who thinks like me a libtard.. And someone calls me out when I post the single word "tard". I hate to have to clarify but by posting tard, I am posting the only thing I got out of that post. Try some other words like "I disagree because". But they never do. It's straight to tardville.

As for red X's...if I had a nickle for every red X I have received, I would be rich. I could have bought a new car from The X's from DNTULSA alone.
Cut the crap KCFlyer. The truth is you liberals have been trying to censor free speech for a long time. Liberals have attempted to bully, intimidate, and shame anybody who does not agree with them. When they don't get their way they act like common thugs. People are getting sick of it.
Cut the crap KCFlyer. The truth is you liberals have been trying to censor free speech for a long time. Liberals have attempted to bully, intimidate, and shame anybody who does not agree with them. When they don't get their way they act like common thugs. People are getting sick of it.

Please show me where I have bullied...intimidated...or shame you or anybody else? Now...how many damned times have you called me "libtard". I freaking INVITE free speech, but when I exercise MY free speech it is met by tarding. Which if you stop and think about it, is rather like bullying, intimidating and shaming. Welcome to the left, snowflake.
Please show me where I have bullied...intimidated...or shame you or anybody else? Now...how many damned times have you called me "libtard". I freaking INVITE free speech, but when I exercise MY free speech it is met by tarding. Which if you stop and think about it, is rather like bullying, intimidating and shaming. Welcome to the left, snowflake.
Hey KC here on long island they just arrested an illegal for stabbing 2 girls one his girlfreind. He also grabbed a 2 year old my her private parts and injured her. He was deported 4 times already yet you say we shouldn't build a wall to deter him and his kind.
Hey KC here on long island they just arrested an illegal for stabbing 2 girls one his girlfreind. He also grabbed a 2 year old my her private parts and injured her. He was deported 4 times already yet you say we shouldn't build a wall to deter him and his kind.

Yep. As sad as it is, a wall won't prevent it from happening again. Because if you deport him again, and build this magnificent $15 billion dollar wall, what will prevent him from getting in a boat just southeast of Brownsville, Texas and cruise along the coast at night and swimming ashore somewhere between Padre Island and New Orleans?
Yep. As sad as it is, a wall won't prevent it from happening again. Because if you deport him again, and build this magnificent $15 billion dollar wall, what will prevent him from getting in a boat just southeast of Brownsville, Texas and cruise along the coast at night and swimming ashore somewhere between Padre Island and New Orleans?
Yup no wall and no doors on your house.If you lock your doors what is preventing them from using a window I'm so dumb and your brilliant
Yup no wall and no doors on your house.If you lock your doors what is preventing them from using a window I'm so dumb and your brilliant

You know, for decades thousands of Cubans on barely together rafts navigated the 90 miles between Cuba and the Florida coast, successfully evading state of the art Coast Guard cutters. I give Mexicans more credit that you do...and they would have a huge coastline to work with. A wall might slow them...but a person who came back 4 times is most likely going to be wily enough to figure out that 5th way. What if....we build that $15 billion wall...the dear leader holds a ribbon cutting ceremony on it's completion, and someone who gets here on a boat rapes a woman in Dallas. Did the wall make us any safer?
Getting rid of sanctuary cities and letting ICE and border patrol do their jobs will help too.
You know, for decades thousands of Cubans on barely together rafts navigated the 90 miles between Cuba and the Florida coast, successfully evading state of the art Coast Guard cutters. I give Mexicans more credit that you do...and they would have a huge coastline to work with. A wall might slow them...but a person who came back 4 times is most likely going to be wily enough to figure out that 5th way. What if....we build that $15 billion wall...the dear leader holds a ribbon cutting ceremony on it's completion, and someone who gets here on a boat rapes a woman in Dallas. Did the wall make us any safer?

It works in areas that have them now. Drugs should a major concern too.
It works in areas that have them now. Drugs should a major concern too.
Once again...there is no fence between here and Cuba, yet rafts made of plastic bottles strapped together evaded coast guard cutters over a 90 mile wide are between Cuba and Florida. You REALLY think someone who is determined to get here is going to change their mind, just because of a wall?
Once again...there is no fence between here and Cuba, yet rafts made of plastic bottles strapped together evaded coast guard cutters over a 90 mile wide are between Cuba and Florida. You REALLY think someone who is determined to get here is going to change their mind, just because of a wall?
Aren't the crossings already 40% off. That' just on words

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