Aa Drops Use It Or Lose It


Aug 20, 2002

Finally, AA is recognizing that the "use it or lose it" rules weren't bringing in the revenues that would save the industry. So they now give customers a year to make their decision. It's a small step, but it's in the right direction - the customer isn't your enemy. It will be interesting to see if the other airlines match this move. If they do, it's a win for the consumer, if they don't, then it will be interesting to see if AA has the cajones to stick with it...and offer the consumer slightly more VALUE than the other airlines.
Hey Flyer,
What's your story? I am interested to know what you think of all this TWU/AMFA talk that has been going on lately. Have you come to any conclusions on the subject? Reading all of this and being on the outside looking in, do you think I (TWU member) have legitimate reasons to be concerned regarding the "raid" of AMFA?

Oh and thanks for the diversion. . .

TWUer :)
It must have been a good idea, because Gordo the [edited] at CO just matched AA's new policy. B)