ACORN did not give advice to Pipm/prostitute

What would I consider as acceptable media? That's a generic question. I would look at sources that would reference the facts for one to make a determination on. Outside of any obvious left/right bias.

As far as I know, those do not exist. Every media outlet is owned by some conglomerate. That conglomerate is a business that as we all know are out to make a profit for shareholders. They will do that in any way that brings them the most profit. As a shareholder, I would expect no less. That is why I bought shares of News Corporation when I knew Obama was going to be elected. I am laughing all the way to the bank. This tea party thing has only helped fuel the profits of the all the MSM, especially News Corporation:
Stock Price for the last year... :lol:


Irony can be a wonderful thing.

Sensationalism is the word of the day. Quick stories that get people clicking on the web site delivers profit.

The phrase "main stream media" (MSM) has become a slogan for the people who disagree with any news outlet that is not Fox News.

Anyone who is a Fox News junkie and derides the MSM is misinformed. Fox news is as mainstream as they come.
Where were these people when Dick Cheney's former company Halliburton and its former subsidiary KBR were getting billions of dollars in no bid contracts in the run up to and during the Iraq War? Where was that self righteous indignation when said company was over charging the US government for services? Or when KBR did shoddy electrical work resulting in the death of US servicemen? How about the fact that at the same time Halliburton/KBR was racking in all this money from the US government US soldiers were getting blown up in unarmored HUMVEES.

When you refer to “MSM” who exactly are you referring to? By definition Fox news is MSM. Who in your eyes is acceptable media?

I see you are a big Michael Moore fan !