Air Asia A320 Crash: defective part and crew contributed to accident


Oct 29, 2003
The plane's rudder control system malfunctioned four times during the flight - a fault that occurred 23 times in the preceding year, officials said.
The Airbus A320-200, travelling from Surabaya to Singapore, crashed into the Java Sea on 28 December 2014.
... ... ... the soldering on a tiny electronic part in the system that controlled the rudder was cracked, causing it to send four warning signals to the pilots.  The crew tried to fix the problem by resetting the computer system, but this disabled the autopilot. They then lost control of the plane.
The plane then entered "a prolonged stall condition that was beyond the capability of the flight crew to recover", the report said.
Maintenance crews were aware of the problem as it had occurred 23 times in the past year, and resetting the system was one of several methods used previously to address it, the report added.
The report also said that:
  • Inadequacies in the maintenance system led to "unresolved repetitive faults occurring with shorter intervals"
  • There appeared to be miscommunication between the pilot and co-pilot - at one point, the pilot commanded "pull down" but the plane was ascending
  • At another point, the two men appeared to be pushing their controls in opposite directions